Sunday, September 22, 2019

What is your favorite Star Wars movie?

Hey everyone, just curious what everyone’s favorite Star Wars movie is (not necessarily what is the best Star Wars movie)?My personal favorite has always been Return of the Jedi. It has everything that child me loved about movies. It has scary and ugly monsters (Rancor, Jabba), cool aliens (ackbar, nien nunb), starts with an insider job to break Han Solo out, there’s cool planets (dhegoba, tattooine, forest moon of Endor), a speeder bike chase through a forest, a big sprawling space battle that depends on the ground forces to get their job done in time, an epic swelling lightsaber battle as Luke almost makes the same mistakes his father did, and it even has Ewoks (not everyone’s cup of tea, but child me thought they were awesome and much older me finds them endearing).There were so many backdrops and colorful palettes that visually, it is a joy to watch. Add to that Green is my favorite color and Luke’s new saber was green! How cool was that!?Anyways, thought I’d share. Curious to what this community’s favorite Star Wars movie is and why. via /r/StarWars

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