Sunday, September 22, 2019

Why you shouldn't worry if you've accidentally come across "plot leaks", "spoilers", etc. for The Rise of Skywalker so far

I'm not talking about relatively minor things like toy designs that always get revealed before a movie comes out, I'm talking about things claiming to be giving away major plot details and twists in the movie, such as how it ends, who dies and how, etc. I've already seen people saying things like "ugh, thanks for the Episode 9 spoilers Google". If you're one of those people, there's a few reasons why you shouldn't be disappointed about any so-called spoilers you've read.One major reason is that the movie isn't even done yet. No one has seen the entire film yet, and the very few people who do get to see it super early aren't going to leak the film. It hasn't happened for any Star Wars movie in the 2010s. Don't see why any of those people would suddenly decide they want to destroy their careers and blacklist themselves from Hollywood by doing something so stupid.The main defense I see made for these leaks is "But The Last Jedi leaks were real". Yes, they were real, but from what I can tell in the Star Wars spoiler sub they didn't come out until after the world premiere and press screenings had begun, a couple days before the film released. Certainly not 3 months or more out. What details they did know about the film up to that point were very minor and insignificant. Admittedly I don't follow the spoiler community, so if there was a legit complete plot breakdown of any Star Wars movie before anyone actually saw the movie in the Disney era, feel free to show me.Another reason not to worry is because these so-called leaks always happen. People come up with a theory, and sometimes try to masquerade it as a leak to see if it gets any traction. Just look at YouTube. There's already been so many videos getting outraged about various leaks. I think people people make this stuff up just so they can see how others react, and if they're a YouTuber it provides lots of content to make ad revenue off of. After RedLetterMedia made a video theorizing about time travel in The Rise of Skywalker, suddenly all these "leaks" involving time travel nonsense came out. If that doesn't scream made up, I don't know what does.So if you want to be careful about avoiding actual leaks, keep an eye out for when the world premiere of the film takes place. It will probably be a week or less before it's released. That will almost certainly be the first time it is screened publicly, followed by press screenings in the next couple days after, and once that happens, take whatever precautions you need to avoid spoilers. Stay off Star Wars forums, Facebook, YouTube, avoid all comments sections EVERYWHERE no matter the topic, use a spoiler extension such as Spoiler Extension 2.0 (it's been great for me).TL;DR No you haven't been spoiled for Episode 9, and no one will be until after the world premiere. via /r/StarWars

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