Sunday, July 1, 2018

Re-watching The Empire Strikes Back... I can't help but treat it the way the fandom is treating The Last Jedi. Maybe Star Wars really is ruined.

Why are they out scanning for life forms on a barren desolate wasteland? Even if they did find something... what's the purpose?How did the Tauntaun die but Luke survived being exposed like that? Why did the Tauntaun die before Han? Are coats really a better insulator than the fur of a native life form?Who taught Luke how to use a Force-pull? Where have we even seen that before, ever?The ghost of a dead character comes back to tell the protagonist what to do next. How is this not considered the laziest writing of the franchise?Why the HELL do those tiny little fighters have like 500 feet of unbreakable cords wrapped up inside of them? Strong enough to withstand the might of something specifically designed to be unstoppable?Why did Vader blame Ozzel for the Starfleet being recognized? Obviously they knew the probe droid got blown up. That's why the Rebels knew they were there. That's why the Empire knew the Rebels were there!You're telling me that the firepower of the entire Starfleet can't break through that shield so they have to spend like half an hour sending clumsy walkers across hundreds of yards to blow it up on the ground?That ion cannon is OP. It disabled a Star Destroyer. Why is that the only one we ever see? Why not mount one on one of the bigger Rebel ships?Why did Han wait years before leaving to pay his debt to Jabba? Why didn't he just take a weekend to swing by Tatooine and deliver the money before going off with the Rebellion again?Why did Luke pick up no life forms on his scanner if the Wampa was right there?Who the hell was piloting the Falcon while Han and Chewie were tinkering with the hyperdrive? Leia? She's not even allowed to pilot her own body through space, let alone a starship! Who taught her how to do that?!Why did C-3PO say that R2-D2 provided the "odds" of surviving out in the open on Hoth overnight, when clearly Threepio, not Artoo, is the one who knows the statistics of things like successfully navigating an asteroid field?Why did Han and Chewie fuck with the probe droid? Aren't they hiding?Why did the entire Starfleet go after the Falcon? Why were they so sure that Luke was on that ship? Clearly they were wrong. Can't Vader sense this shit? Luke left on his X-wing completely unimpeded.Those are the main issues so far at the 40-minute mark. Listen, I don't want to watch the movie this way. I just want to enjoy it in peace. But months of reading inscrutable nitpicks trashing the new movies have simply conditioned me to watch these films with a different eye. And it's a fucking horrible eye. Don't you guys realize what you're doing? You're not even speaking the language of cinema anymore! You're allowed to dislike any movie you like, but goddammit, be reasonable about it! Or else you'll end up like me! via /r/StarWars

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