Sunday, July 29, 2018

Did Dooku not realize he was an expendable pawn to Sidious in the long run? Did Sidious have any respect for Dooku?

Like Dooku seems like a pretty smart dude, did he really think Sidious cared about him or that he wasn't expendable? Like did he not consider what the future for him was after the Jedi order and the Separatists were wiped out? Sidious promised him a powerful role in the empire or something but did Dooku not consider the basic facts? If you consider the basic facts its obvious that he must be lying because Dooku was the public face of the CIS. Everybody in the Republic saw Dooku as the face of the enemy. It would be like if after Nazi Germany was defeated Harry Truman offered Hitler a role in constructing America as the next world superpower, nobody would be okay with that. After the defeat of the Separtists, at best Dooku would be given a comfy place to live in secrecy by Sidious and possibly act as his assassin or secret agent. More than likely it would be politically convenient to kill him and if he found a new apprentice totally unnecessary to keep him around.Dooku always seemed like a wise and deadly man very skilled in the ways of the force so I basically wonder three things: 1. Was he really blind to him merely being a pawn to be thrown away when no longer needed? Just a guy who once he played his part could be thrown away. And did Sidious really have no respect for Dooku who was very gifted in the force and skilled with a lightsaber, not to mention very savvy political skills? Dooku supposedly bested Mace Windu in a lightsaber duel. Mace Windu is the only person who actually defeated Sidious, and George Lucas confirmed Windu actually beat him it wasn't Palpatine holding back. Could Dooku have gone toe to toe with Sidious, possibly beating him? The impression you get from watching their relationship it seems like Sidious could crush him like a bug but that doesn't add up. Also why'd he loose to Anakin, were Anakin's lightsaber skills really that developed by then? Sorry for all the questions via /r/StarWars

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