Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The point of Canto Bight is that it is pointless

One of the biggest criticisms of The Last Jedi I have noticed is Canto Bight. Usually it's "why did they even go there it was pointless because they got caught and betrayed by the person they found".Well the over-arching theme of The Last Jedi is failure. They thought if they went to Canto Bight they'd get the code hacker, sneak onto Snoke's ship, and save the day. But that's not what happened. They failed. Just like in real life, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.I feel like people are misinterpreting the series as being some noble-bright fantasy setting. Maybe this is because of Star Wars Rebels, I dunno. Has anyone making the criticism even watched the OT and PT? The prequels ended with evil winning because Anakin failed and fell to the dark side. Empire Strikes Back has the Rebellion lose on Hoth, Han getting captured, and Luke failing at saving Han and almost dying because he thought he could magically save the day. Return of the Jedi ends with Vader/Anakin having to sacrifice himself just so his son could survive and the Rebellion could win. I don't understand why people think that this is a series like a superhero movie where the good side always wins.It's getting to the point where I just think people are looking for something to complain about or to dislike what's popular because it's edgy. Most people I meet offline liked TLJ, or didn't watch it because they saw TFA and hated it so they aren't bothering with the new trilogy.EDIT: Here come the downvotes because god forbid you like TLJ on the internet. via /r/StarWars

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