Sunday, March 18, 2018

47 connections between TLJ & other Star Wars films

Just watched TFA and TLJ. Here are 47 connections that came to mind. Feel free to add more.TL;DR: TLJ & TFA connect better than haters think and better to the saga and new canon as well.1) Rey refusing to sell BB8 has deeper meaning knowing what she went through.2) Rey's ability with a staff are better explained by her practicing in a manner on her own that suggests she does that often on Ahch-To.3) Kylo Ren's "I feel it too" line and Rey's first surprised look at him have greater meaning.4) Rey's Jedi Mind trick among other aspects of Force awareness became aspects of her mind following her probe of Ben Solo. This is now canon thanks to the story group.5) Rey turning the mind probe back on Ben Solo showcases her willingness to fight fire with fire which plays into some of her other angry moments in TLJ.6) Ben Solo's desire for her despite having his mind probed by her forcefully and despite being cut by her after asking to train her helps setup where things go with them in TLJ.7) Snoke's final training lesson is now very clearly that he wanted Kylo Ren to kill his biggest weakness in front of him: Rey.8) Luke's exile and disconnection from the Force [spoiler]lead to the Force awakening in Rey[/spoiler] as per the extended edition.9) Rey's desire to keep her Force powers secret from Finn and Han in TFA extend to her keeping her Force bridge with Ben Solo secret from Luke in TLJ.10) The mind probe revealing an island that she'd seen in her dreams comes back when she tells Luke that she'd seen the island only in dreams and also helps setup why she is starting to trust her visions since they seem to come true. The other being her vision of the future of facing Kylo Ren in the trees which happened.11) Maz Kanata's line about how the people she's waiting for aren't coming back now makes more sense in TLJ.12) Maz Kanata's line about how the longing she seeks not being behind her but in front of her and how there is one who might still come back starts feeling like it has to be Luke but then later feels like it might be Ben Solo and in the end is more like Luke.13) Rey being dressed in junker clothes as a young girl in her Force vision makes more sense thanks to what we learn in TLJ.14) The Jedi texts calling out to Rey on the island continues the idea of the Saber calling out to her in TFA.15) Ben Solo wanting to find the island and Luke as early as TFA leads him to do what he can and drive a wedge between Luke and his new student as he had past students before.16) Han Solo's line about where Luke went and why was close to what happened.17) Finn's desire to run and then stay for Rey continues and then grows to the Resistance movement and others.18) Kylo Ren did what he said he wanted to do in TFA which was finish what Darth Vader started when Vader briefly could have been leader of an Empire when he killed the Emperor.19) The tracking of Wexley's ship in TFA leads directly to the destruction of Dquar base in TLJ.20) Hux and Kylo Ren act like brothers in in TFA while Papa Snoke is physically farther away and then Papa Snoke beats both of them up physically in TLJ when he's physically in their presence.21) One of the themes of the TLJ is that without teaching from past failures history is doomed to repeat and that's basically exactly what's happened because the Skywalker family chose to hide their family secret until the reveal in Bloodline.22) Several earlier complaints about the prequel era Jedi and the Jedi's failure are brought together with Luke's lines but Yoda reminds that the failures were more about the individuals who made up the order and how the Order didn't learn from past failures and must.23) Canto Bight's world building better connects to the world building established in the PT era and helps to connect the 3 trilogies more.24) Sidious is mentioned by name, rather than Emperor.25) Luke's dark side daze shot is visually reminscent of his dark side daze moment in ROTJ. The look in his eyes and how he looks down at his hand help bring both of those moments together by design to imply that close calls without consequence and analysis may lead to failures in the future with concequence.26) Luke's unconventional blind trust that without a real solution to his problems that escape and trust that the Force will find a way... first shown perhaps in the moment he reverted back out to the metal island in TESB and decided to jump without any way of knowing how it will play out... returns in him retreating to Ahch-To and hoping that in the absence of the Jedi something more worthy will come from the Force without really knowing how it will play out... [spoiler]leads to the Force awakening in Rey[/spoiler]. His time with the L’ewel prior to TLJ where he learned to spearfish and learned about the concept on non-interventionism with the Force were also explored in the Legends of Luke Skywalker book.27) All of the big bads in ST ultimately are killed by their apprentice while the Master is killing someone the apprentice cares about. Only one ends with the apprentice coming back to the Light and the other ends with the Apprentice becoming the Master and asking the person he cares about to join him at the top.28) Rey's abandonment issues setup in TFA are exploited as weakness in TLJ. One of the most common traits of young adults who were abandoned is instant attachments with new people and we see Rey continue to struggle with the difference between good relationships and bad ones.29) Rey's scavenging skills as established in TFA are shown in TLJ when she steals the ancient Jedi Texts and later when she won't leave the broken saber behind.30) Rey's lack of Force guidance from mentors is what separated her from Luke and Anakin in her first film and leads her to go astray faster and listening to a potential Dark Side mentor sooner in TLJ.31) Rey begins a life at the bottom of the food chain and is offered by film 2 the opportunity to be at the very top of it.32) Rey's shock at the world she's never known, as first expressed by her sense of wonder in TFA at all the green in the world, continues with her smiling at the first rain she's ever seen coming down from the Falcon as she lets it fall onto her hand.33) Rey's anger over Han Solo's death continues with her calling Kylo Ren a monster and mourning Han's loss into TLJ until Ben Solo reminds her that parents suck by reminding her how awful hers were.34) Finn being supportive of Rey, as established in TFA, continues in TLJ when her first showcasing of Force power to the world at large and her friends is seen, and Finn is the first one to run out and hug her. In TFA when he asked her how she got out she didn’t tell him about her powers.35) Poe's smugness, snark, love of BB8, and shoot first and ask questions later that first lead him to joking "Who talks first?" continues into TLJ but become a weakness for him. His natural charm as a leader as first seen in TFA is also something that leads the crew to trust him more than new leadership.36) Finn's combat training as first seen in TFA continues with the killing of his former child slave Master in Phasma in TLJ.37) Finn's willingness to die to stand up to evil first seen in TFA continues into TLJ. It shifts from him being willing to die for Rey to being willing to die for the whole resistance.38) The impact of the destruction of the Hosnian system, even though SK Base is also destroyed, still seems to have the galaxy apprehensive about what to do next and wondering just how powerful the FO are because of the compressed timeline. It’s only been a few days. Others are likely gathering intel on the chances of success versus the FO.39) The notion that the Dark Side is the devil on your shoulder whispering in your ear to take the easier solution, as first explored in earlier sagas, is presented and explored and explained nicely in the ST.40) The continuation of new Force powers, as first seen in TFA, continues into TLJ with a couple new additions to the canon.41) The presentation and impact of the last great war and the parallels between WWI and WWII continue in TFA with the old base of Crait following the ship graveyard on Jakku.42) The continuation of the 30 year advancement of humor, clothing, culture, and technology from the OT era to the ST continues with Death Star tech becoming miniaturized and more portable and the old ski speeders really showing what 30 years of aging around salt can do to poorly designed tech.43) Ben Solo's belief that his father is a disappointment as first established in TFA makes more sense when you realize how status driven and power-driven he really is in TLJ when he insults Rey’s parents. It also helps explain why he is more impressed with his mother.44) The notion that not all people are best suited to turning back people who've fallen to the Dark Side, as first established in the PT and later the OT, continues with Luke and Ben. Former masters have a dynamic with their students that makes that process difficult. Only people that the Dark Side users come to love seem to be what might possibly bring them back.45) Luke’s mini redemptive arc mirroring that of his father’s work less darkness and murder to relate to and more regret morality and existential questions to relate to. Both father and son end up working through their mistakes, going out with one final act of good, apologizing to family, and becoming one with the Light where they can meet again.46) Hyperspace tracking as first shown as in research phase in the archives in Rogue One is finally utilized in TLJ.47) Sidious is mentioned by name. via /r/StarWars

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