Sunday, October 1, 2017

Clarification of Vaders death?

So I always assumed that Vader died because the force lightning fried his life support, and that Palpatine used that very threat to keep him in check. However I was recently told that I have no idea what I'm talking about and that Vader us actually borderline immune to force lightning, from Palpatine or not and the only reason it fried his life support was because the opening on his arm where Luke hacked his hand off, let the lightning into the electronics, which is why it happened and that otherwise Vader would have shrugged it off because he has been hit by lightning without dying before. Apart from how rude the person was I think they could have a point about the open arm. Can anyone clarify? I always assumed Palpatine just cranked the power up at the end which is why it did more damage. via /r/StarWars

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