Sunday, October 1, 2017

First Time Watcher: Episode IV

Yesterday I asked for any suggestions/background info I should know before delving into StarWars for the first time. Much bigger response than I anticipated and definitely way warmer reception!! Thanks guys!A lot of folks ask me to give my thoughts, so here goes. Its basically what ran through my head during the film.Episode IV: A New Hope - My Inner Dialogue:1) So the first movie out was Episode IV. Does that mean that in 1977 the world pretty much already knew that this was going to be an epic, long time series? Or were there comic books that preceded the movies?2) 5 mins in: Pew, pew, pew. I suddenly understand SO many cultural allusions (South Park, Austin Powers, Family Guy, etc).3) Did CGI exist back then? How are some of these effects being made on film in 1977 (Jabba, a dinosaur looking animal that is being ridden like a horse, the hovervehicle, the chess-type game that Wookie does not like to be beaten in)?4) Princess Leia (sp?) very conservatively pretty. I appreciate that she didn't have to have Double D's hanging out to be a desirable woman. Not used to that. Also its cool that she actually has a role and something to say instead of just being a damsel in distress. Interesting.5) Ok. I want a death ship. That. Thing. Looks. Awesome.6) Everybody is a lot more human-based than I thought. Don't know why, but I anticipated more crazy looking creatures. Maybe they're to come? Gimme aliens!7) Ha! Harrison Ford stalling then shooting the intercom is pure hilarity. Its a lot funnier than I thought!8) Don't these droids need to be recharged at some point? I wish my droid had a battery life that long...9) Any significance to the different colors of the light sabers? My guess is just good (blue), evil (red) and n00b (green).10) Special effects MUCH better than anticipated. I thought there'd be strings hanging planets and boom sticks dropping into sight. Whoops.11) For being the head-honcho, Vader is certainly more in the trenches than chillin' on a throne. Go him. But Hollywood has trained me to look for a foreshadowing downfall for his over-involvement...12) Aww poor little R2D2! Wait - why do I feel so bad for something without emotions and that doesn't even talk?13) That lady who gave Luke & Harrison Ford medals at the end kinda looks like she could be Amy Schumer's mom.Way funnier, higher tech and more entertaining than I anticipated. Why have I waited so long?! On to Episode V.Thanks again to everyone who welcomed me instead of chastising me. You guys rock! via /r/StarWars

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