Sunday, October 1, 2017

As much as I hope to see the dynamic of Kylo and Rey's relationship develop in TLJ, I hope they don't neglect the one between Kylo and Finn

Obviously, Kylo and Rey's relationship, in what ever fashion it may present itself, is very likely to be the most important relationship over the next two films. That being said, in all the hype and excitement regarding this duo, I hope the interesting dynamic between Kylo and Finn isn't forgotten in the midst of it.You have to remember that, for whatever reason, Kylo decided to let FN-2187 live, despite knowing full well he didn't follow the orders to execute the villagers on Jakku. Orders which came from Kylo Ren himself. Now, I don't mean that there is going to be a big twist regarding these two, like Kylo Ren secretly cares for Finn, because I don't think that's the case at all. In fact, I'm nearly 100% confident Kylo Ren had absolutely no clue as to FN-2187's existence prior to their meeting on Jaaku.What makes their relationship interesting is that it was Kylo Ren's very own compassion that allowed Finn to live. It's cliche, but while the two are very different, they are also very much the same. They were both groomed at a very young age, maybe their fates decided even before they had left the womb, and yet despite this, the two have a very strong moral compass. Obviously the way the two act on this compass is what currently sets them apart. Kylo is obsessed with finding Finn and acts out in hatred to him multiple times on the movie. I believe this is for two reasons.The first being the pretty obvious one: Kylo Ren envies Finn. Finn turned his back on the First Order, which is something Ben does not yet have the courage to do.The second is a little more subtle. Finn is the byproduct of Kylo's light side. I'd go as far as to say even a loose metaphor for his light side over all. I mean, in the scene on Jakku, they are literally dressed in opposite colours. Finn in white, and Ben in black. This could very well be a happy accident, but to make it a little interesting, lets pretend it's not. In many works of fiction, the Villain(Kylo) is shown to do an act which lets the audience know who the bad guy is. In TFA, it's obvious that this act is the execution of the villagers. Both Kylo Ren and Finn are faced with the same exact choice. Let the villagers live, or kill them. They both pick the opposite choice and this is where Finn decides to separate from the FO, and thus begins Kylo Ren's metaphorical identity crisis, embodied by Finn. This isn't the only time the two have been shown do opposite actions. Kylo Ren captures Rey, and Finn goes to rescue her. Notice Kylo Ren(Ben's dark side) sets off an evil deed, and Finn(Ben's light side, in a sense) tries to correct it.It's clear Kylo Ren's overall motive in this film is finding the map that will lead him to his former Master, Luke Skywalker, but on a smaller scale it's about finding the Light inside himself, and stamping it out. Finn is Kylo's light that got away, and Kylo is constantly trying to chase that down. In the duel, Kylo Ren also has another chance to kill Finn, and chooses an ultimately non fatal way to do it. I'm pretty sure Kylo thought a slice to the spine would end Finn would be just as effective as a swipe to the neck, but when you look at it through the eyes of the metaphor, it mirrors exactly what Kylo Ren thought killing Han Solo would do. His light is faded, damaged and dormant, but not dead. And it's going to come back stronger than ever.Thanks for reading.P.S. I'm worried if this post makes Finn sound like an extension of Ben's character, which I believe he is absolutely not. Finn is very much his own character in TFA, and only represents Ben's light as a loose metaphor. Thanks! via /r/StarWars

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