Sunday, October 1, 2017

I think I might have been born in the best time to be a Star Wars fan.

I was born not so long ago in a year 2000, and yes, that means you are all old as shite.All my life I have been told by family members and people on the internet that the best time to be a Star Wars fan is when they first came out.Seeing the original movies in theaters would have been mind blowing, but I am not resentful. I feel like right now is even better time to be a fan.Everyone likes to crap on the prequels(for good reason), but for me and a bunch of other kids, those movies are what we grew up on. Jedi, Sith, Droids vs Clones, all of these things are what we viewed Star Wars as. I remember playing Lego Star Wars and BattleFront 2 on the Xbox with my best friend, or watching the Clone Wars on Cartoon network every Sunday night.That being said, my Mom was a pretty big Star Wars nerd herself. I remember one day I got sick from shoveling snow(I live in a suburb outside of Chicago) and she and I watched the whole OG trilogy together. Seeing the older effects was a bit disappointing at first, but I was surprised at how funny the jokes were in the movie.Luke Skywalker did not seem as cool as Anakin at first, but he grew to be my favorite character in the series(even more than Obi-Wan). Seeing him believe in Vader, and then for Vader to save his and Padme's son was the the most emotional part of the series in my opinion.Seeing Star Wars on the silver screen was an awesome part of my childhood, but then The Force Awakens came around. I had never seen the amount of hype for that movie before. I got to see it two days after Christmas on IMAX for my present from "Santa."God that movie rocked me. Everyone in that theater became little kids again. I actually got to see movie history, and by the time the credits rolled I was almost crying(definitely misty eyed).Nowadays, Star Wars is bigger than it has been for the last 20 years, and I am enjoying every second of it.. . . So, what do you guys think?Is anyone else a fan of the prequels and the OG trilogy alike?Do you have any cool Star Wars memories?Please discuss. via /r/StarWars

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