÷This is an extremely long shot, I likely don' have a Tauntauns chances on Mustafar.My father has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, diagnosed last fall. He was not even supposed to make it to Rogue One. However here he is in May still barely hanging on. He is going down hill fast. He introduced me to star wars at a young age, took me to see all the remasters in theatre, and the uh awesome prequels. We saw Ep 1 in Paris, it was awesome! He has a full size X Wing prop model from A New Hope.There is no way he is going to make it to the release date of The Last Jedi. It is his adult " Make a Wish" to see it. Is there anyone at Disney or LucasFilm you would recommend to contact? I figured I would ask here in addition to firing off emails to every contact I can find on their respective websites.We have always had a rough relationship ( perhaps not as bad as the Skywalkers',) in his illness we have become much closer. It is so hard to watch him suffer through so much, and I would love to be able to bring him joy one last time.Thank you for any help or insight you can provide!!P.S. He is a former lawyer and more than OK with non disclosure agreements and such!If anyone wants to help and tweet @DisneyLucasFilm or @GeorgeLucasILM I'm using #SithMakeAWishTweet #SithMakeAWish to @StarWars @HammilHimself@Bad_Robot @DisneyLucasFilm @GeorgeLucasILM and any other Star Wars related peeps of you can! It would help my father to die happy#SithMakeAWish via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2qyUi9W
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