Sunday, November 7, 2021

Unpopular opinion: Solo was a good movie.

I enjoyed it. Han’s always been one of my favourite characters, so it was cool seeing more of his origins. Lando and Chewie, too. I thought the story was engaging, the action scenes were filmed and paced excellently, and the script was well-written.I get that it may not be what Star Wars fans wanted to see and that they wanted a more force or Jedi-oriented story, Han and Chewbacca meeting on Kashyyk instead of a random planet in a pit, and maybe the timing of the release wasn’t all that great, but as a film, I thought it worked pretty darn well. Was it a cinematic masterpiece (like Rogue One)? No. Was it basically a standard action/heist movie? Sure. But what did people expect from a Han Solo movie? He’s a pirate. Always has been. I think it’s fitting for his character. And if it was just basically a heist movie, at least it was a pretty good one. Did I love it (like Rogue One)? Not exactly, but I did like it. via /r/StarWars

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