Saturday, November 27, 2021

I just watched Star Wars for the first time in my life and...

I loved it, which is a problem because now I have a LOT of catching up to do.I've watched the first four so far in my journey and I already know I'm gonna wanna learn all the lore so my question is what is considered canon? I already plan on watching the 9 main movies and I heard the Mandalorian is good so I'm gonna watch that regardless but is stuff like The Clone Wars show canon? And is the lore in it important enough to sit through? Are the comics Canon? Also wtf is Rogue One and Solo? Is Lego Yoda canon? Why is no one bringing up the fact that Luke and Leia kissed? Who wrote Jar Jar Binks?I stayed up all night watching four movies and I just wanted to discuss it but please don't spoil anything major for me! via /r/StarWars

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