Saturday, November 6, 2021

Rogue One is the best film from the Disney era

Rogue One is the best post-prequels film to come from the Disney purchase. It lacked the controversy of The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker, and was completely original - unlike The Force Awakens which was accused of being a New Hope copy/paste with new characters. It was also more engaging than Solo, and avoided universe-breaking moments like "Han Solo is named Han Solo because he was alone on a trip one time" or "Han Solo can hilariously and inexplicably speak Wookiee".Do I sometimes wish the Disney purchase had never happened? Of course. But when I wish that, I remind myself of how good Rogue One is. In the era where the average fan can ignore whatever films they consider to be a disgrace to the Star Wars name, I'm satisfied with Rogue One being the only Star Wars film in existence that George Lucas wasn't involved in.(Side note: I am posting this because I'm about to go to bed. I am not intending to spam the sub. I would wait until tomorrow to post this but my PC has a habit of reloading pages after a while so what I've typed would disappear overnight.) via /r/StarWars

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