Monday, August 2, 2021

I watched Star Wars with someone who escaped a cult, and it was magical

There are things that we wish we could experience again for the very first time. For me, Star Wars is one of those things. To be able to see through fresh eyes all the strangeness and wonder of a galaxy far, far away. Yesterday I spent some time with someone who spent their entire life in a cult, and they wanted to watch some movies. Someone had suggested they see Star Wars.Seeing as how I just happened to already have the despecialized OT on my hard drive, we started the first one. They were blown away by it, having absolutely no preconceived notions of what a movie about space even looked like. They asked a lot of questions and I paused the movie frequently to answer them.They ended up enjoying the movie so much that we watched all three. Well, they enjoyed almost all the first movie, they were quite upset that Chewbacca didn't get a medal and argued strongly in his favour. I mean, he was there in the cockpit with Han after all! Why DIDN'T Chewie get a medal though??The most enjoyable moment thus far happened at the climax of The Empire Strikes Back, because they didn't have an inkling as to Darth Vader's true identity, literally yelling out "WHAT!??".I had a repeat of this at the reveal of Leia as a Skywalker, and when Darth Vader redeemed himself at the end of Return of the Jedi.Friends, fellow fans, it was absolutely magical. I felt the surprise and how much my new friend was being drawn into the drama. It was like seeing the movies through new eyes, and I found myself appreciating things that I hadn't in a long, long time. via /r/StarWars

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