Something that I really appreciate about the character Padmé was how active in the stories she was. Before the prequels were made all we knew about this character was that she was the mother of Luke and Leia who was "beautiful, kind, but sad".She could have been a normal person such as a childhood friend of Anakin's, as long as she fell in love with him and became the mother of the twins, her role in the story would have been fulfilled. However, she was not only written as a senator, but one who even Palpatine viewed as a threat to his plans and sought to have assassinated. Despite being a love interest, she was still very active in her story, such as choosing to return to Naboo or heading to Geonosis to Help Obi Wan.In Revenge of the Sith, there are scenes where she meets with other senators that will eventually form the rebellion (I really wish this had ended up in the final cut). However, she is still shown being steadfast in her beliefs in democracy in the finished film when she refuses Anakin's offer to take over the empire.And these are only events that took place during the movies, there are even more moments that I love from the Clone Wars series.Do I wish she had died differently? Yes. Do I get chocked up that her last words were her reaffirming her belief in the good in Anakin? also yes. via /r/StarWars