Sunday, November 8, 2020

A Disney+ series about Luke training Jedi could fix one of the Sequel Trilogy’s biggest complaints, and in an awesome way.

I’m going to preface this thread by saying that I’m a fan of all Star Wars movies, but I do think there are flaws in the Sequels. In short: I really liked all three, but I also think The Mandalorian is much better.Anyway, to go onto my main point...Of the many, many complaints I’ve heard about the Sequels, there seems to be one major sphere that a lot of complaints revolve around: Luke Skywalker’s portrayal. I’m not going to spend too much time talking about what each and every section of the fan base liked or didn’t like about Luke in the movie. Even though I am skipping over these comments, please do not assume that I am dismissing your opinions. Good or bad, they are valid.But one issue I think that is the “core” of the criticism of Luke’s portrayal is how he didn’t do enough pass on the Jedi lineage before his TLJ sacrifice. Namely, he only provided three lessons of training to Rey before she left with his library of sacred texts. Ultimately, Leia would finish Rey’s training in TROS, but Carrie Fisher’s death made these training scenes seem incomplete.But there’s also one detail that is only barely mentioned in TROS (and later reiterated in tie-in media) that actually reinforces that Luke was indeed Rey’s first substantive Jedi Master. Apparently, those ancient Jedi texts were not merely books left by dead Jedi. They also contained Luke’s teachings, discoveries, and beliefs. In the movie this is touched on only briefly when we learn that Luke documented his knowledge of Exegol and Sith Wayfinders in an ancient text.So, this leads to my idea of how a Disney+ series about Luke’s Jedi would ultimately help the Sequels. What if there were stories about what exactly Luke discovered and documented? The story I envision is Luke (and his students) exploring the galaxy for Jedi wisdom and lore, taking themselves from Yavin 4 to Korriban, and recording what they learned in the sacred texts.Ultimately, these texts would be passed on to Rey, who would ultimately use Luke’s wisdom and Leia’s skills to be trained.I could see the series ending with a scene Luke writing a last journal entry about how he failed Ben, only to switch over to Rey finishing reading that section of the story.TL;DR: there should be a Disney+ series about Luke documenting his time as grandmaster in the sacred texts that Rey uses to educate herself on the Jedi way. via /r/StarWars

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