Sunday, November 29, 2020

R.I.P. David Prowse

This is kind of a long story and not something I do often, but I really felt like sharing it, so I hope you guys don’t mind. TLDR; RIP David Prowse.To set the scene, my parents were huge nerds and I’ve literally always grown up with Star Wars in my life. I’ve been told stories about the first movie I saw in theaters was at 2 months old and it was a special showing of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.As long as I can remember, I’ve always loved Darth Vader. He was my hero growing up. When I was asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” My response was a Sith Lord like my hero Darth Vader. This may not have met me many kids, but it helped me find my closest friends.I always felt like I had a special bond with Vader. I have huge breathing issues, I don’t deal with failure very well, and I always was a teachers pet.When I was 4, I was diagnosed with childhood cancer. Stage IV Whilm’s Tumour which had spread to my lungs. I was immediately admitted to the hospital to start treatment but things, as they often do at stage 4 cancer, did not look good.I underwent several treatments and surgeries to remove the infect organs, and help slow and shrink the spread of the illness. Unfortunately, it had already spread to my lungs and my left lung kept collapsing.I have chest tubes drawing fluid from my lung and my breathing resembled that of Vader after he rescued Luke from the Emperor in The Last Jedi. I certainly felt more machine than boy in those days.I would lay there wanting to be active as kids often do and would wish I had a suit that could maintain my poor body, much like Vader. I could then be strong. Vader wasn’t scared of anything.Even in the harder days, I had the comfort of imagination to carry me off to my galaxy far far away where I wouldn’t be tied to a pump in the wall.Luckily, I did survive the cancer. I beat my odds and am a relatively healthy man almost 2 decades later. I’ve been lucky enough to give back to kids in similar situations by trooping with the amazing 501st, preforming for and reading to kids for Star Wars reads day, and being able to see the expression when you give a child a completely handmade lightsaber or prop from the universe we all love and adore.I am thankful for David Prowse performance and physical portrayal of Vader. The way he brought that character to the screen and was a symbol of power and strength helped a small scared boy many years ago overcome something that seemed so impossible to beat.R.I.P David Prowse. You will be remembered. via /r/StarWars

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