Sunday, April 5, 2020

“The Rise of Skywalker” Can Be Replaced By Any of The Skywalker Saga Film Titles

“The Rise of Skywalker” can be replaced by any of the Skywalker Saga film titles.The Phantom Menace - Sheev Palpatine has been pulling the strings behind The First Order.Attack of The Clones - Sheev Palpatine and Rey’s dad are clones, but the “attack” comes from the unified beliefs of the Sith loyalists. The Sith Troopers were brainwashed from birth much like Clone Troopers being programmed from birth. Therefore, their ideologies are like clones of each other.Revenge of The Sith - The shroud of the The Final Order has fallen. Begun, the revenge of the Sith has.A New Hope - Poe Dameron hoped that the Resistance wasn’t alone and the Galaxy will come to rebel against the Sith. Rey and Leia hoped that Kylo Ren will be redeemed. Luke and Leia hoped that Rey will be able to reject her Palpatine lineage and carry the legacy of the Skywalkers and the Jedi.The Empire Strikes Back - Sheev Palpatine gathers the Sith Eternal to form a new empire to strike back at the Rebellion.Return of The Jedi - Luke Skywalker returns to teach Rey a lesson. The prequel Jedi return to lift Rey and use her as a conduit to prevent the Sith’s return.The Force Awakens - The Force awakens in Finn. The light side of the Force awakens in Ben Solo.The Last Jedi - Rey is the last Jedi.The Rise of Skywalker - The death of Kylo Ren and the rise of Ben Solo. The death of Rey Palpatine (literally) and the rise of Rey Skywalker. Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa‘s death and their rise within the Force. The memory wipe of C-3PO (he’s technically a Skywalker too) and the rise of C-3PO with a restored memory.BONUS:Solo: A Star Wars Story - The story of Ben Solo and Han Solo’s legacy. via /r/StarWars

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