Friday, April 24, 2020

SPOILERS for Season 7, Episode 10. Something brilliant I found

At the beginning of the duel between Ahsoka and Maul, a feint Palpatine scream can be heard, like the one at the beginning of the tragedy that was the death of Kit Fisto, Mace Windu, and the rise of Darth Vader. I opened up two windows and played them simultaneously when the scream occurs and holy shit the fights mirror each other. Ahsoka makes a comment about Maul being lucky that Anakin didn't show up as the Mace/Sideous fight cuts to Anakin landing to interfere. Mace says "[he's] going to end this, once and for all", talking about killing Sideous, as Maul says he could destroy Sideous with Ahsoka. Maul gives Ahsoka a chance to give in and join him to kill Sideous and, by extension, save Anakin, right as Sideous asks Anakin to join him as his new apprentice and learn the dark side of the force. Ahsoka declines and Anakin accepts in sync. Maul is then captured by Rex and the detachment of the 501st with Ahsoka. As Maul is being restrained he is screaming like a fucking maniac "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO BURN, YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" as Anakin is accepting and being given his new title, Darth Vader.If someone with editing skills could edit this together that'd be fucking awesome. I wish I could. I'd recommend anyone open up two windows and do the same.Edit: AdverbsEdit: Also Palpatine begs Anakin to not let Mace kill him as Anakin tells Maul he is difficult to kill. I am betting on Windu's line from the trailer being a red herring. I think the next two episodes are going to be unexpected and fucking crazy. I'm looking forward to it. via /r/StarWars

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