Sunday, April 5, 2020

Did anyone hate that they basically nullify the work to destroy the first Death Star in the sequel films?

So Episode 4 and Rogue One, showed this incredibly great mission to eventually take down the catastrophic planet destroying Death Star. They succeed..Then they had to go ahead and have a 2nd one being in construction and operating in Episode 6. Which I really didn't mind..However, Episode 7 The Force Awakens had to basically unnecessary include this huuuuge planet that had half of it hollowed out to be a 'super upgraded' version of a death star that had a much more powerful cannon that could destroy multiple planets at once. (Mission to destroy that ensues)I didn't mind in episode 9 that every single Star Destroyer fleet on Exegol had a planet destroying cannon on them. Was badass, just odd they didn't go for that in the very first place..So anyways, my point being, it just felt like, "oh hey, all that work we did in the movie(s) to bring down the Death Star, which resulted in many tragic and emotional losses. Well, it's okay, because some time after destroying it, the Empire is gonna be like, oh well guess what, we're back in stock with your favorite galaxy destroying battle station!"I absolutely love the films. I just had a shower thought about this easier today and wanted to see what others opinions are. via /r/StarWars

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