Sunday, December 29, 2019

[spoilers for RoS and Mandalorian] I really appreciate how Star Wars incorporates elements from the animated TV shows & doesn’t ignore them

Since the Clone Wars and Rebels are a bit more kid-oriented and animated, it would be easy for the filmmakers to simply ignore them. But just off the top of my head, the stuff included from the Clone Wars and Rebels in love action media include:Maul in SoloThe Ghost in Rogue One/RoSAshoka/Kanan’s voices speaking to ReyThe Darksaber in The Mandalorian (not to mention the general lore/continuity of Mandos between CW, Rebels, and Mandalorian)The design of Kessel in Solo being consistent with that of RebelsEDIT: Saw Gerrara from the Clone Wars playing a major role in R1Now, a lot of this isn’t particularly significant on its own, but the fact that the creative teams acknowledge the existence of the animated shows, take care not to contradict them, and even build on their stories (in the case of Maul and the Darksaber) is just awesome, and is a big part of what makes Star Wars so special to me. via /r/StarWars

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