Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Kylo Ren should not be redeemed.

It is common for people to say that Kylo Ren deserves redemption because he is "more redeemable" than Vader. Rian Johnson himself said as much. This is not the case.Vader did terrible things, but they were at least understandable. As they say, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." All his life he just wanted freedom. He was a slave to Gardulla, then to Watto, then to the Jedi Code and the Prophecy. He was restricted by an organization that actively prevented him from going to save his mom from slavery.When he finally found happiness in Padme, he had to keep it a secret, and when he thought she was going to die, he went to Yoda for help, and he just told him, "That's life." The only person who offered him a solution was Palpatine. Look at the opera scene, "It's not a story the Jedi would tell you." More confirming that the Jedi don't have Anakin's best interests in mind. The Jedi even confirm to him that they're practically the same as the Sith when Mace Windu tries to execute Palpatine. By the time Anakin realized what he was doing was wrong, he was in too deep.Kylo Ren, on the other hand, grew up in privilege. He was the son of the galaxy's greatest heroes. He was a Force prodigy. Trained by Luke Skywalker himself. There is nothing Snoke could have offered him that he didn't already have. Political power? His mother is fucking Leia Organa. Knowledge of the Force? Go train with your uncle Luke. Fame? Again, you're the son of the galaxy's greatest heroes.Johnson tried to make Kylo seem sympathetic by having him turn because of Luke. "Oh look at poor Ben. It's not his fault he turned to the dark side, it's because his mean uncle tried to kill him." In reality, it had the opposite effect. We're not feeling sorry for him, we're thinking, "If Luke Skywalker, the guy who saw good in VADER, thought that Ben was too far gone before he even did anything, then kill him."From a purely narrative perspective, Kylo being redeemed is unsatisfying. In 2 films, Kylo has had multiple chances to go back to the light, and he has rejected it every time. Han tried to get him to come home and he murdered him. Rey tried to turn him and he rejected it. Luke tried to help him and Kylo would have killed him had he not been a projection. He doesn't deserve redemption.We knew Vader could be a good person. He was before, and he made his choices for what he thought were good reasons. We were rooting for Vader to redeem himself. Luke himself said it. "Search your feelings, father. You can't do this. I feel the conflict within you. Let go of your hate." "It is too late for me, son."Kylo had a loving family, but killed Han Solo and caused the death of Luke Skywalker. We have no reason to believe he can be a good person. Why should the audience be rooting for him? via /r/StarWars https://ift.tt/2FHozjt

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