Sunday, July 1, 2018

Meeting Daniel Logan at Comicon

I can't tag their Facebook page since they blocked me for commenting on their organization in 2015, so I'll only post this here. At Fanboy Expo 2018 (Knoxville Comicon) I had the pleasure of meeting a few celebrity guests: Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine), Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett suit-wearer, ESB and ROTJ), Timothy Zahn, the Hellboy trio (Ron Perlman, Doug Jones, Selma Blair), Cassandra Peterson (Elvira), Charles Martinet (voice of Mario and Friends), Ric Flair, I'll stop there, but you can look up the whole list, I met at least 70% of them.Everyone there was extremely friendly, the guests were killing us with kindness, but the one that stuck out to me the most was Daniel Logan, the actor of Young Boba Fett in Attack of the Clones. When I arrived, I was focused on meeting all the other bigger-named celebrities, and Daniel was actually on the bottom of my list I actually told myself that he was a guest that I could afford to miss, if need be. At every Con I go to, I take my Star Wars saga posters corresponding to the guests that were there. I brought my Ep. 3 and 6 posters for Ian to sign, my 6 (same one) and 5 posters for Jeremy to sign, and I brought my Ep. 2 poster for Daniel to sign. I honestly forgot that I brought it.I had my professional photo op with Ian done with, and proceeded to walk over to his booth to await getting his autograph (Ian and Jeremy's booth were right beside each other, and Daniel's was off to the side.) Ian's line wasn't open for waiting yet, and Jeremy's line had to be a literal mile long, so I turned around and saw Daniel's, and I thought "ok, I guess I'll spend this $40 that I planned on saving and get his autograph." His line had 6 people in it, and his area was so small that I was close enough to hear everything that he said.He was super energetic, super friendly, super down-to-earth with the fans, he was making jokes to the fans about how he had ADHD and could carry on multiple conversations with multiple people at the same time. A fan brought a "Bounty Hunter's Code" book, and asked him to sign it and draw Boba Fett's helmet. He asked every one in line if that was ok, and they agreed, myself included. He then looked in his bag for about 2 minutes for an ink pen, and he drew it very fast and it looked perfect, the guest had a huge smile on their face, and Daniel was just as happy to make them happy. They walked away, and I was next in line.A mom who has 2 people behind me was on her phone and wasn't paying attention to her child in his stroller. He was obviously uncomfortable and crying, pitching a fit (he looked to be about 2 years old, and it was very hot inside, and they had probably been there all day, so it's understandable.) Daniel walked down the line and (in his New Zealand accent) said "What's wrong? Are you not having fun? I know that I was never truly Boba, but I still have the heart of a Fett. Do you like candy?" The boy nodded and Daniel said "wait just a second, I'll be right back." He went and got his own personal bag and pulled out a roll of Smarties candy.He kneeled down and said "When I'm upset, this always makes me happy." He was still crying, but watching Daniel, and Daniel opened the Smarties as if he were breaking a stick, and they went everywhere. They both laughed and he said "See? I told you that would make you happy" so he signed the thing that the woman wanted and let them go on their way, and I shook Daniel's hand and we greeted each other, and he signed my Ep. 2 poster, and I was genuinely excited to have his autograph.I didn't plan on bringing the poster at all, he was in the back of my mind and wasn't a priority of mine, but it makes me so happy that he genuinely cares for his fans and would go out of his way just to make everyone happy. I always thought that he did a good job in Attack of the Clones, but I'll always remember him for what he did yesterday. I also want to thank every guest for coming to Knoxville, Tennessee. I know that it's the middle of nowhere, but you all made all of us very happy and grateful. via /r/StarWars

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