Sunday, July 22, 2018

Did you connect to Luke’s end of life arc through one of these 12 connections? If so, which one?

Months later I still see some asking, “How do you like Luke’s arc in The Last Jedi?” I’ve compiled 12 of the most popular ways in which I’ve heard other Star Wars fans are doing so from all over the web. For some people it’s more than one of these. The more of these they connect with the more they enjoy the arc. Let’s get into them:1) Empathy for him for the difficult life he’s lived, the time he’s already served as a veteran of war, the losses his family has been responsible for, the guilt he’s carried from his father’s acts & from war, and the sacrifices he had made for an Order that had been undone in a moment of weakness by himself and another family member.2) If you’re fascinated by a certain “Cats & the cradle” aspect between him & Anakin now that he’s an older man and if you’re interested in seeing how he handled this biggest regret of his life after having watched how Anakin lived his. A lot of son who were kids in the 1980s never thought they’d get old and see even more of their father inside themselves at old ages. But in some cases that happened with us. The Last Jedi examines this universal phenomenon between aging and generations. Many have likened Star Wars ro Greek tragedy of the gods. This fits.3) If you believe that this “Jake Skywalker” phase is meant to be out of character to what we knew before in the same manner that Darth Vader was out of character to the best of Anakin as a younger man as we saw him. Two falls. Both around temple massacres. Both the father & the son suffer & push out the Light side connection & ties to loved ones & family. That process takes it toll on both in different ways. And yet the journey back & both the father & the son’s desire to atone and that it’s never too late to change and save what you love is similar in the end.4) If you’re fascinated by what could really challenge & break a character like Luke psychologically who had so many heroic traits & had also considered that a mistake he felt personally responsible for that lead to the deaths of innocents and the return of a the evil he thought he’d beaten once before might be just that.5) If you have frustrations about organized religion on Earth and had ever wondered what life might be like without it before.6) If you’d always wondered whether the dark side moment in ROTJ was truly the last such moment in Luke’s life or not or had wondered whether he’d learn improved control beyond what he showed there since he received his happy ending regardless. Yoda told us that once you start down that path (and he did briefly) forever will it dominate your destiny.7) If Luke’s retreat in Empire where he felt he was in a no-win situation and chose to retreat to a metal island platform and willingly let go and jumped and allowed himself to possibly die and leave the fate of the galaxy and his friends to the will of the Force itself connects you to his actions and choices on Ahch-To in some way.8) If you believe it’s a good message that when you’re struggling or have hit rock bottom being alone long term is rarely positive and that getting help and letting others in and facing difficult truths and talking is positive.9) If you can accept on some level or value the dramatic need for there to be a complication in act 2 of this story and for Rey to face challenges in her initial goal to bring Luke back, but also introduce complications in the story in order to better setup an interesting arc for her & Ben Solo for IX.10) If you were moved by Luke’s sacrifice when he realized he wanted to & needed to help but had no functioning ship & had to think outside the box as he had so many times before in order to save what he loved by any means necessary.11) If you accept in a space Jesus kind of way that word of Luke returning as the Resistance are facing incredible odds after being away for years and staring down the FO by himself, & seeming invincible to save the last of the resistance and his sister, alongside the announcement of new Jedi and the death of Snoke by a girl who may have trained with Luke might inspire hope.12) If you’ve struggled or known anyone close to you who has and felt like you or them hit a rock bottom period in life where you or they made choices they later regretted. Whether it’s PTSD, or a crisis of faith, or becoming estranged from family over an action or a choice... Luke’s The Last Jedi arc allows for us all to bring our own life experiences with suffering & struggle to it. via /r/StarWars

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