Sunday, February 4, 2018

A Brief Word before Han Solo's Trailer:

What a couple of months it's been! The Last Jedi was released, and everyone had wildly different opinions. Naturally, as this is modern entertainment, people sought to share these varying opinions online. This is all fine and good, but the manner in which some of these opinions (on both ends) were expressed wasn't always respectful, and often made Star Wars fans out to be a rather intolerant - even toxic - community full of people who seemed to absolutely hate each other. This isn't always the case, but these kinds of vitriolic arguments seem to dominate lots of the YouTube comments, Twitter threads, or even the posts here on Reddit.Let's look at the facts. This is a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford. There were a million-and-one problems along the production timeline, including a swap in directors, several reshoots, etc. However, let's not go into this movie wanting to hate it. Let me rephrase that - Let's not go into this movie ready to hate each other. Let's give Ron Howard and this poor kid playing Han a chance at uniting the fan base with what is hopefully a solid Star Wars story.This is an opportunity to show the internet that we're not the most toxic fan base around the block, and that we can have smart, civil discussions when we disagree. And when people dislike the trailer (which inevitably some people will, simply due to a difference of taste), I hope we can interact together in a respectful way.Marvel, DC, Harry Potter even; all of these communities have had to learn how to get along within their own fanbase. However, this is pretty new for us. We've only had a few movies in this new regime of Star Wars films, so it's understandable that we might take a little while to learn how to communicate with each other in a constructive way.Regardless of where your (valid) opinions fall, we're all here because we love Star Wars. I hope we don't lose sight of that. Hope this didn't sound preachy, as it was far from my intent. I post this because I love this fan community; I have ever since I was a kid.May the force be with you, always. via /r/StarWars

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