Monday, September 25, 2017

It just occurred to me that when Obi Wan Kenobi did his meditation to go all ghost form when Darth Vader landed the killing blow, that it was the first time Vader's mind was truly blown.

Anakin was never told about the meditation techniques that had been passed on to Obi Wan cause he had gone full blown villian by then, and since this was pretty well new to even Yoda at the time it's easy to assume that there was no way Vader could have known what was happening when Obi Wan did his disappearing act right in front of him.He's so engrossed in what he just witnessed that he doesn't even hear Luke yell "NO!!" and a shootout suddenly rage behind him because he's too busy poking at the heap of clothes and thinking "What. The. Fuck."(probably). He probably does some crazy research afterwards, when he finds time between looking for Luke or force-choking middle management, and finds something that leads him to the same conclusions as Qui-Gon, allowing him to go ghosty too. Or someone tells him, I don't know I'm not all up to date with the cannon anymore.Anyway that was my shower thought today. How's your day going? via /r/StarWars

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