Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hey r/StarWars, I made a visual canon timeline for a high level overview. Would like to hear what you think & make it useful for you too!

Hey everyone,I've loved Star Wars for many years, but it's only until The Force Awakens that I started to go deeper and explore other media beyond the films. I've watched Star Wars Rebels, currently 5 episodes away from finishing The Clone Wars, read a few comics and some books too. And gosh it's amazing! (I totally shed a few tears over Anakin & Ahsoka!)As a new fan who wanted to go deeper, I struggled to figure out how all the canon media fits together (it grew really quickly too!). Although sites like Wookiepedia are extremely useful (much gratitude to them), a quick high level overview was tricky to find. Something that's not too in-depth, but has enough to guide fans on what they want to read/watch next. (I'm enjoying The Clone Wars era now, so my next book will probably be Dark Disciple or Ahsoka. Although, Jyn's extended background in Catalyst & Rebel Rising is fighting for my attention).Anyhoo, without further ado. Here it is. A visual canon timeline.Would really like to hear what you think? I'm trying to make it useful as a good overview. So people can see where it fits in and where it overlaps with other media in terms of timeline. Lost Stars is a good example. It spans many years.I'm exploring how to make this a bit more useful for in-depth discovery too.Here are some more plans:1) Make it more mobile friendly (it's usable, but can be improved!)2) Search (search places/characters/planets etc and see in which media they appear)Just want to send a shoutout to /r/starwarscomics who shared some great initial feedback. Especially regarding the comic placements. A special nod to /u/zapik too for all the in-depth feedback!Edit: /u/lukerbi mentioned that IE/Edge will not work 100% right now. I'm working on making these browsers compatible! Stay tuned! via /r/StarWars

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