...was Bodhi's death. Sure he was less of a main character than Jyn and Cassian, our leading man and lady but really when you consider it, Bodhi is one of, if not, the most important unsung heroes of the Star Wars series.If Bodhi had not defected and brought the alliance Galen's message, the alliance would not know about the Death Star, would not know its weakness and would have no reason to get the plans. The alliance would all have ended up like Alderaan, destroyed by the super weapon.And yet Bodhi, this hero, after getting a message to Admiral Raddus, has a grenade thrown at him and dies. Just gone. With no great speech. No last words. No one to continue his legacy. He's just dust in the wind. And to make matters worse, he doesn't get killed by Vader, by Krennic, by Tarkin, by any of the villains in the film. He just gets killed by an unnamed stormtrooper. And that was what really got to me. Bodhi was a hero, on the level of Luke Skywalker, and he was killed so unceremoniously and so brutally and so unfairly. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2hwWGtW
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