Woke up today to another Jenny Nicholson video of her hating everything again. This time she's complaining, like a lot of people are, about the non-character arc's of Rogue One.Well, she is wrong. Rogue One has plenty of character arc's - they just arent the ones SHE wants. So, for you people complaining about R1's characters, I'm here to show you the other side.First, I need to start by saying not every character needs an arc. This isnt Game of Thrones where we have 10 episodes and multiple seasons to develop characters. This is a 2 hour Sci-Fi action movie. If we developed every characters backstory, we would have a 6 hour movie that everyone complained about too much character development.The main characters should have an arc, and do. The main characters in my eyes are Jyn, Galen, Cassian, and Krennic.Lets take them one by one. Galen has a beautiful arc. In which he starts the movie in hiding, fearing for his family. He loses his wife and to protect his only child, he forces himself to work besides the man who killed his wife and develop a terrible weapon capable of killing whole frickin planets, all in a desperate hope to one day sabotage it. Which, he does successfully...thanks to the daughter he sacrifices his own life for. Arc.Jyn. Some argue that Jyn doesnt care about people, but clearly does (saves little girl), so she has no arc. That isnt her arc. Her arc is actually that she doesnt care for the Rebellion. She has no allegiance to the Rebellion or the Empire. And she refuses to choose sides because it doesnt matter. Then she meets Saw. And then sees her father. She instantly chooses a side - the Rebellion. And sacrifices herself for what her father, and now her, believe in. Arc complete.Cassian. Cassian is a cold hearted rebel. He has done things, to his own admonishments during the movie, he is not proud of. Like, killing his friend in cold blood to start the movie. He does it to save the Rebellions secrets. Later, he doesnt believe in Jyn, and he thinks Galen is a traitor who needs to be murdered - to save the Rebellion. So, when given the assignment to kill Galen, he doesnt flinch. Until he spends more time with Jyn on Jedha. And realizes this chick is a bad ass. And maybe she is telling the truth. So, this cold blooded, always follow the orders kinda guy, when he has Galen in his sites doesnt pull the trigger. He grows and realizes maybe people arent what they seem. Jyn surprised him, maybe Galen would too? So he lets Galen live. And learns he was right to let him live. Arc complete.Krennic is an interesting character and i feel one of the best Star Wars villians in history. He is truly great. His arc is subtle, because bad guys arc's usually are. I mean, what is Grevious's arc? Or Dooku's? Krennic wants power. All he cares about is gaining power and moving up in the ranks of the EMPIRE. He wont fail and will continue to go until he obtains all he can get. At any cost. Well, turns out power isnt everything. Krennic realizes that as the weapon he had built fires upon him and kills him. Arc complete.As you can see, there are plenty of arcs. I could go on as Bodhi's was he was an imperial looking for redemption and found it by sacrificing himself for the rebellion, etc, etc.So, hopefully I have showed you some character arcs for Rogue One. Flame on.... via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2hWPW8L
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