Saturday, July 1, 2023

Chirrut Imwe is such a cool character

The coolest thing about him is that he fits in perfectly with Lucas Star Wars. It's not intrusive, and makes perfect sense. I mean, if The Force connects all life as Yoda says, why are only Jedi and Sith able to use it, let alone be aware of it? Wouldn't there be people who, while not being able to control it, can at least listen to it and be aware of its echoes and eddies running through the currents of all life? Chirrut Imwe is one of those people. He is not a Jedi or Sith. He can't manipulate The Force in the traditional way. But he feels it. He has actually put in the time and effort to become aware of something that truly does affect all life, but that most remain oblivious to its nature, either by choice or ignorance. Theoretically, anyone could be what Chirrut Imwe is. That which connects all life is open to all life, and all it takes is to listen. The Force is not limited to "Force-Sensitives". That's not what Chirrut is. He is simply a man, who has attuned himself to The Force through practice. The Force is accessible to all, even if only a few can bend it to their will. Chirrut's deliberate attunement raises the idea that The Force impacts all life even if they aren't attuned to it. A mechanic with prodigal skills may know The Force every time they fix an unfixable speeder, but they don't know The Force. Not like Chirrut does. I feel like I'm rambling now, but the bottom line is that in my opinion Chirrut Imwe is the best addition to the Star Wars universe since Disney in the best movie since Disney. via /r/StarWars

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