Sunday, July 30, 2023

My partner is not a fan of Luke. Like at all.

It's her first time in this galaxy far far away, and I'm walking her through all of the movies and media. At this point we've watched everything but the bad batch, the last half of TCW, and Ep IX. We were finishing up Kenobi, and my partner came back to this idea of "Luke sucks" because she loves Leia in every piece of media so far. Not just compared to other characters, mind you he's just, and I quote, "a whiny bitch". I've been with her for over a year. I'm not typically up in arms over such petty shit, but like.. that might've been the first time where she's fucked with me that I've been ready to throw down lol. She genuinely does not see why anyone likes him at all.How do I get her to see the light? Is she a lost cause? (95% joking on that last bit)Edit: to make it clear, her opinion is totally valid, however much I disagree. I'm not genuinely trying to make her change her view, but I've also never heard this take before and find it to be quite hot via /r/StarWars

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