Sunday, July 23, 2023

A Christopher Nolan Star Wars movie

So recently while doing press for Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan did an interview (link below) and was asked during a rapid fire Q&A portion where he had to answer YES/NO/PASS about whether or not he would direct another superhero movie after the Dark Knight movies and he said “NO” and very quickly was asked if he would direct a STAR WARS movie and after a brief pause he said “PASS”, indicating there’s a small crack open in the door where he might stop through if he as offered a chance. Nolan has gone on record on how Star Wars inspired him to make movies in the first place and how it’s influenced his filmmaking process, particularly in Interstellar. Nolan even got to interview George Lucas and I could tell that Nolan, normally very controlled and stoic, was trying not to fanboy too much. Long story short, would you like to see Christopher Nolan make a Star Wars movie? via /r/StarWars

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