Sunday, April 16, 2023

Does anyone else think that Kylo Ren could have been a great main villain for Episode 9?

I feel like Kylo killing Snoke was the perfect stepping stone for him to become the main villain of the sequel trilogy. Adam Driver has consistently delivered fantastic performances as Kylo and I feel like this could have been a great opportunity to explore his character more.Kylo having all the power in the galaxy but being more alone than ever is also an interesting contrast to Vader, who was similarly isolated but spent his entire life under the Emperor's shadow. As is, it feels like Kylo spends TROS just repeating most of his arc in TLJ.As much as I love Ian McDiarmid I feel bringing the Emperor back significantly undermined the original trilogy since ROTJ ends with Luke redeeming Anakin and Anakin finally destroying the Emperor. It also just felt kind of weird since Snoke was basically Palpatine 2.0 -- if you were going to bring him back in the finale why bother with Snoke? Palpatine's return really hurt the cohesion of the trilogy in my opinion. via /r/StarWars

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