Thursday, March 16, 2023

Where does Mando sleep now that he has the naboo fighter?

Edit: additional questions:How and where does he 'live"? The Razor Crest was pretty much a flying house. I assume with some living quarter, let it be a cabin or just a bed somewhere, a bathroom of some sort, at at least a toilet is a must have. He had room for his gear, and also a cargo hold.The Naboo fighter is cool, but must be a logistics nightmare.Just imagine living your life in a two seater sports car, with your fifty year old, green son. Having to find a gas station literally every time nature calls(or do it in the open), find a new place to sleep every 24 hours. If you've ever slept in a car seat, you know he'd be basically crippled after a week or so. You also have to eat almost every meal in a restaurant, cause u have no fridge. via /r/StarWars

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