It doesn’t mean what most people think it means.Jedi are allowed to love people, but they aren’t allowed to POSSESS them. To forgo your attachment means to forgo your possessive instincts.Selfless compassionate love instead of possessive toxic love.That was Anakin’s problem. He fell in love and instead of that love being selfless it became selfish and possessive because he’d lost everyone he’d really cared about. His mother, Ashoka, etc. He couldn’t bare to lose Padme. So instead of talking to his wife, “Hey I keep having these crazy dreams. It’s probably nothing but if they do come true, what should we do?” He took her fate into his own hands and didn’t even give her a choice in the matter.What if Padme decided that if it meant saving the babies, then she’ll die in childbirth? But we’ll never know…because Anakin selfishly removed her agency.Death is a natural part of life that shouldn’t be feared. So you should accept that gracefully and not try to posses & control.The reason Jedi have a policy against relationships is because it’s really hard for people to do that, even the most disciplined and virtuous of Jedi. So they just don’t put themselves in that situation. They avoid it all together.Leia is a good example of someone who loves selflessly AND forgoes her attachment. She loves Han, but she accepts his death in a healthy way, and doesn’t try to bring him back or seek limitless power to be able to prevent death or whatever she desires. via /r/StarWars