Friday, August 25, 2023

Are the Sith/Dark Side too drippy?

They can’t keep getting away with it man. When I was 8 years old and saw Darth Vader strut into the hallway I knew immediately who I was rooting for. Obi walking around in his hobo robes just reaffirmed my opinion. Then you got Sheev walking around with the most iced out lightsaber on his belt. Not to mention all the historic Sith who spend more time on there outfit than studying the force. Now you got dark side chad and a super model once again showing the Jedi who’s more fashionable. I know for a fact George Lucas picked Ferrari red for their light sabers just to make a point. I swear I would be a dark side user just for the fashion. Who cares if your not a force ghost when you look like a Sci-Fi Gucci model trying to take over the galaxy. via /r/StarWars

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

I never understood this scene, is Vader trying to stop Luke from turning to the dark side? Is Luke attacking Vader and not the Emperor? Please someone with more knowledge explain. via /r/StarWars

The Eye: Andor S1 E6 via /r/StarWars

Outside of George Lucas, who do you think has had the biggest impact on Star Wars

Actors, directors, studio execs, composers, writers. So many have had an impact via /r/StarWars

if you were palpatine what would you have done differently to ensure you ruled your empire forever ? via /r/StarWars

The prequel saga is a great example of Great story poor writing.

In the hands of a more capable writer, the prequels would have been great. The movies’ dialogue failed to convey how the hubris and rigidity of the Jedi led the their downfall. I love GL but maybe he should’ve given the story to a better writer. via /r/StarWars

No spoilers but I made Sabine’s Speeder helmet based ff the trailer, and I was super happy to see how accurate I got it compared to last night’s episodes! via /r/StarWars

I know everyone loves the CGI Clone Wars, but the 2003 version will aways be my favorite via /r/StarWars

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Who would y’all say is the better pilot? via /r/StarWars

So uh, How come Bail didn't get arrested or disappered over this? via /r/StarWars

So I just finished Rebels S04E10...

It hits hard. Even though I knee Kanan was going to die at some point in the season. I thought I was was ready, and the episode pretty much tells this is the one is going to happen in...Turns out I was still not ready. I had a 10 minute break and thought I was ready to start watching the next episode. Nope, not ready for that either.I loved Rebels, everything about the series. But I guess I connected to the characters even stronger than I thought. A 40+ year old man, watching a 6+ rated animated show is an emotional wreck right now.Well played, creators, well played... via /r/StarWars

What would happen if these two met? What would they talk about and what fun activities would they do? via /r/StarWars

So theres a fan theory thats been gaining traction lately saying that this unknown mercenary could be Starkiller. Dave Filoni did say in the past that he wanted him to be an Inquisitor in Rebels. Also his name is “Marrok” which is not far off from Marek…. via /r/StarWars

Not getting much Luke Skywalker

We’ve barely seen anything of Luke Skywalker post-Return of the Jedi, other than The Mandalorian Season 2 finale we know he’s looking for students like Grogu and Book of Boba Fett we see him building his school, i wanna see Luke creating the New Jedi Order and training students and for him to be the kind and caring hero i grew up with, he’s the hero of Star Wars and in my opinion the greatest Jedi and it seems like there’s a lot they could do with him but just aren’t, i’d love for him to have his own show after Ahsoka or something, does anyone else feel this way? via /r/StarWars

Kelleran Beq in in the art style of Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars via /r/StarWars

Less then 24 hours away. What are you most excited about? via /r/StarWars

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Why didn’t Obiwan put Anakin out of his misery at the end of RotS?

Seems like it would have been more compassionate to do so then leave him burned on Mustafar to let him die a slow and painful death. via /r/StarWars

30 min of new hope

Stars Wars A New HopeBruv how does this film actually look decent cuz it was made in the 80’s. Darth Vader is that guy like for real, cool ass cape and shit. Also Princess Leia kinda fine.Those little gremlins with the brown capes are hella ominous what they want with R2. Also C3 kinda annoying but like in a loveable way. The costumes and like droids and shit look hella cool and they all unique. I’m assuming these caped fellas are like scavengers. Oh shit it’s C3 tf. They’re reunited now I guess.Oof that’s some dodgy cgi with that weird animal. The practical effects look way better why they using cgi. Ohhhhh shit it’s luke. It’s well weird how like Luke who I’m assuming is human ended up on this dessert planet. Oh shit obi wan kenobi, I know him. I think lukes uncle knows summit about obi wan. This planet Luke lives on is beautiful. This space car he’s flying is well cool.I’m tired af I’ll watch the rest tomorrow via /r/StarWars

Why don't more planets have a planetary shield like Scarif?

You'd think this would be a no-brainer for Coruscant for example. Why is Scarif the only one? via /r/StarWars

Did Sideous Break the Rule of Two? And did that lead to his downfall

Recently finished listening to the Darth Bane Books. Established the rule of two One To embody the power of the dark side and one to crave it. Now I’m not asking about having multiple pupils. Even Bane took on a second when he feared Zaia had failed him. My problem is the way palp beat his master. The entire point of the rule of two was to cut out infighting and betrayal of the old ways and to fight the double eged sword that is the dark side. To have two siths and only the most worthy of the mantle the balance of the force will insure that each generation is stronger than the last and that the pupil is either to surpass the master or fail in their challenge and the master will find someone worthy of the mantle. But by killing his master in his sleep instead of openly challenging him. He’s betraying that logic and reverting to the old ways that bane cast aside. Which in turn made for a weaker line. Maul wasn’t worthy Doku wasn’t worthy then when Darth Vader rose to power he did have the potential to surpass his master but palp did everything he could to weaken his pupil. Bane has a chance to do that with his but he taught her Sith sorcery the very thing that led to his downfall. The sith to this day are basically over because Palp was selfish and ruined his order by putting himself before the Sith. What’s your take on this entire thing? Is the rule of two a mistake? If Palp would of followed it closer and from the start helped Darth Vader be as strong as he could be how would you see the story ending up? via /r/StarWars

Why was Ahsoka surprised that Anakin became Vader?

Maul literally told her that the Jedi and the Republic were about to be destroyed, and that Anakin was being groomed to be Palpatine's apprentice. She didn't believe him, but then Order 66 happened, proving that Maul was right about at least half of what he had told her. So why didn't she realize that he was actually telling the truth about Anakin? And later on, when she heard about Vader, the mysterious new Sith Lord doing the Emperor's bidding, how on earth could she not put two and two together? Did she really think Anakin had died during Order 66, even though Maul explicitly told her Sidious had special plans for him? Also, how come she never bothered trying to seek out Obi-Wan, who would have definitely told her about Vader and how Obi-Wan "killed" him on Mustafar? If Ahsoka could survive Order 66, surely she must've realized an even more powerful Jedi like Obi-Wan definitely could have too? via /r/StarWars

“That boy is our last hope.” *Disney then goes on to create a show where we see Obi-Wan bond with Leia, fully aware she is Luke’s sister…*

It always kind of bothered me that in Empire they show Obi-Wan say this (where he is seemingly unaware that Luke has a sister)…and then in the Obi-Wan series he literally has a bonding story arc with leia. I’m just like…”did he forget about that whole thing with where he had to rescue her?” This can also be said about how he was present when Padme gave birth to both of them. via /r/StarWars

kanan could just stabbed thrawn here. They were in rebels base on Atollon via /r/StarWars

My original "Rebel Scrap Droid" cosplay for Fan Expo Toronto via /r/StarWars

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Will we ever see him again? via /r/StarWars

When I was a kid, I used to pretend these clips were the Republic ships from the Clone Wars era via /r/StarWars

So I just finished Rebels (Spoilers for those who haven't finished it)

Maaannn Idk what took me this long to finish this but I'm ashamed. This is such a good show and Kanan by far has to be one of my favorite characters in the Animated Series maybe Star Wars in general but I have a question...Did Kanan perform Force Heal before dying? Did he actually get his sight back? How was he able to hold back an explosion with 1 hand, push the ship back with the other AND get his sight back? via /r/StarWars

How did Maul end up at the bottom of Lotho Minor and somehow make himself robot spider legs?

Is this in a comic or novel somewhere? via /r/StarWars

Had a little bit of Star Wars on my wedding day! via /r/StarWars

These are my favorite lines said by Hondo Ohnaka. “Come now, let's leave your wife out of this. There is no need for such impropriety among thieves.” "You lied to me? I knew I liked you!" Which ones were your favorites? via /r/StarWars

Friday, August 18, 2023

I'm past it all. The wacky physics, the "plot holes", the newer edition changes, the Fandom hate, the Lucas dialog and interaction. Star Wars was never about being perfect. It was about how it made me feel.

I have been a Star Wars fan for 37 years. One of my earliest memories was seeing the battle of Hoth on a VHS. I've loved and hatedStar Wars throughout the years. I've abandoned Star Wars a few times, but it never abandoned me.I came to this realization when watching ROTJ, and watching Luke and Vader duel before the Emperor. I noticed that the stars beyond the Death Star windows were pretty fake, and I thought, yeah but who cares. It couldn't draw me away from these moments. The emotions being felt, hope and hate, anger and awe, it was all that mattered to me.Many deride the Kenobi series for it's questionable decisions and the cheapness of a few of scenes, and rightfully so. But it will never change my mind that the scene when Obi Wan seeing Anakin's face, moaning he was sorry for it all with tears in his eyes as Vader maliciously bathes in his pain will always be the the greatest scene in the entire Star Wars saga for me.As I am typing this out, The Phantom Menace is playing and my four year old daughter gasped as Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi Wan dive and approach the Gungan City underwater, asking me "Dad, what going on?!" That is how I felt when I first saw the Walkers cross the snow fields of Hoth.Ive seen it all. The special editions in the theaters, the release of Phantom menace and the prequel trilogy, i skipped on the Clone Wars and Rebels until recently, day one of Mandolorian, Andor, and soon: Ahsoka. (Still haven't touch the book of Boba Fett though lol).Star Wars will always get better, it will always get worse. But for these 37 years, it has made me feel inspired. If a new series or a new movie weren't great, it's ok. This 40 year old will tell you that Star Wars will always have something to make you feel, and that's what's important. via /r/StarWars

Ahsoka release dates have been shifted to Tuesdays at 6pm PT, starting with the two-episode premiere on August 22nd via /r/StarWars

Why did palpatine create the first order

In ep9 we see that palpatine has a ‘final order’ that will take over the galaxy in one fell swoop with their 1000 death star lasers. The final order seems to be orders of magnitude better than the first orderIf the final order is so damn good, why did palpatine even make the first order? What’s the point of starkiller base of he has 1000 of them up his sleeveIs this just the biggest plot hole in star wars or is this explained somewhere via /r/StarWars

If it were up to me, Id have Rosario Dawson play present day Ahsoka and in any flashbacks or clone wars sequences, Id have Laura Harrier play young Ahsoka. The resemblance is uncanny. via /r/StarWars

Bro is confused😂 via /r/StarWars

Star Wars VHS Lamp via /r/StarWars

Thursday, August 17, 2023

What are you looking forward to the most in Ahsoka? via /r/StarWars

“I won’t leave you, not this time.” This moment hits hard via /r/StarWars

Which characters in Star wars have the greatest development?

Star wars has a ton of characters,but which ones have had the best development throughout their story. I personally feel that Luke Skywalker is more than a perfect answer to this question. He goes from a whiny farm boy who discovers mysterious powers within himself and comes into conflict with an evil Empire,confronts and redeems his evil father,develops deep relationships over time,becomes stronger and wiser and in the end,he is the most powerful Jedi to ever live.Who in your opinion has had the best development? via /r/StarWars

Haven't seen anyone else mention it, it drives me absolutely insane for some reason via /r/StarWars