Thursday, June 9, 2022

Why is it such a big deal that there's some silly scenes in Kenobi? Isn't that what Star Wars is about?

Honestly. I've never seen such a big fuss over scenes like the trench coat one. Outrage and cries of "bad writing!". As was the response to Tala knocking out a Stormtrooper so easily.We're all Star Wars fans here. We love the original trilogy. The same original trilogy that had little teddy bears making ATST's slip on logs as if they were banana peels, and knocking out Stormtroopers by throwing stones at their helmets.To the prequel lovers, what about C3P0's head being on a battle droid as he's shooting Jedi and apologising profusely? Then Kit Fisto blows him over and lets out the biggest cheesy grin ever despite scores of his fellow Jedi, his friends, dying in the ongoing battle?These are just two examples among many. Is the show perfect? No. But some of the criticisms are wild from people who consider the og and/or prequel trilogies their favourite movies.Edit: Another gem from the comment section. Let's not forget in A New Hope, Han Solo charges by himself into a giant group of armed Stormtroopers while yelling and they run away! Now imagine the reaction if Tala did that in the most recent episode of Kenobi as her "distraction" and it worked? Can you picture the steam coming out of peoples ears and noses as they turn red with fury? via /r/StarWars

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