Sunday, February 21, 2021

Unpopular opinion: Vader and Obi-Wan absolutely should not meet in the Kenobi series.

As many of you know, the Kenobi series has begun shooting this year, one of the most anticipated Star Wars releases in years. Kathleen Kennedy is really appealing to a large part of the fan base here, but she said something that didn’t sit right with me. That Obi-Wan and Darth Vader will have the “rematch of the century.”To me, there are a lot of reasons why they should NOT. Most of their Episode IV dialogue builds off the tension that his built over the last 19 years.When Vader says “I sense a presence I haven’t felt since....” it’s twofold in the fact he could either be talking about Obi-Wan or the twins. Another meeting would ruin that statement.Also when he says the last time they met he was but the learner now he is the Master. This has huge relevance in ROTS based on Anakin’s fury of not being promoted to Jedi Master and still feeling like Obi-Wan was viewed as his superior. The table has turned now: Vader sees himself as the master of the force, while Kenobi is an old fossil of the ancient Jedi religion.Also... they CAN’T physically meet.Obi-Wan has no way of getting off of Tatooine. I’m not sure how he got to Tatooine in the first place. Probably either in Greivous’ Starfighter or Padmès Royal ship that he sold to buy property, livestock, food, etc. Unless he just hitched a ride on the Tantive IV on Bail Organa’s way home to Alderaan.More importantly, Vader absolutely cannot know where Kenobi is. That would ruin any shot the Rebellion had, because the Empire would send a thousand stormtroopers and Vader to ensure Kenobi was killed. He’s there to protect Luke and bringing any Imperial attention to himself in essence ruins that.All that to say, as someone who thinks the Prequels are masterpieces... I’m thrilled to see Hayden Christensen return and I hope we see plenty of flashbacks to their days in the Jedi Order. via /r/StarWars

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