via /r/StarWars
Monday, November 30, 2020
I know I’m very late but finally had the courage to share my Jedi Halloween costume. via /r/StarWars
Mandalorian Ahsoka Tano cosplay makeup test! [Self] via /r/StarWars
I made an Ahsoka piece that I’m pretty proud of! Took 3+ hours :) via /r/StarWars
Rosario Dawson reveals that George Lucas was on-set during Ahsoka’s appearance on ‘THE MANDALORIAN’. “They [Filoni & Lucas] were looking at their imagination come to life.” via /r/StarWars
When Disney won’t give you the Bo-Katan merch you want, you make your own. via /r/StarWars
Our Togrutas via /r/StarWars
Ahsoka Tano character poster via /r/StarWars
Got in contact with Make-a-Wish who said one of the kids was a big fan of the Mandalorian and gaming, so together we created a Mandalorian game! via /r/StarWars
Been making a little project inspired by each episode this season. Here’s the one for episode 4. via /r/StarWars
May the force be with them via /r/StarWars
At least we can all agree that Rogue One is the best Disney Star Wars movie. via /r/StarWars
Poor Scene Choice... Everybody Dies While She Hides. via /r/StarWars
May the force be with you. via /r/StarWars
R.I.P. Dave Prowse - art by me via /r/StarWars
Finally got my poster in. Can’t wait to show my support. via /r/StarWars
He is One with The Force via /r/StarWars
Look who's laughing now.... via /r/StarWars
The Mandalorian Speedpaint 2020.1128 via /r/StarWars
I mixed the original trilogy movie posters with Renaissance ceiling frescoes via /r/StarWars
This is the way. Another great post by Instagramer dvglzv via /r/StarWars
The best Things I have ever seen. via /r/StarWars
[OC] Anakin Skywalker, Me, Graphite on Paper, 2020 via /r/StarWars
New fan. I started watching Star Wars for the first time tonight.

I've never seen a movie before. Prided myself on "Ha, I've never seen star wars 😎", because it always gave someone a shock when they heard it. My friends love the series, thought it's about time I give it a shot.Watching the movies in release order. Finished New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, tonight.Pretty good so far.Please welcome me to the fandom. via /r/StarWars
Scratch made Tie Fighter helmet via /r/StarWars
Sunday, November 29, 2020
The Clone Wars is a work of Art

I was born in the 90’s and have always loved Star Wars (most recent trilogy never happened in my mind) but I’ve never had the ability to watch The Clone Wars until now. With excellent Mando episodes and 7 seasons of CW, I’ve been deep in some Star Wars the last few weeks. Tonight I watched the last four episodes of season 7 and I was enthralled. I couldn’t stop watching if I wanted to. And that last episode... it made me more emotional than any of the movies. I just came here to say bravo, and a thank you to Dave Filoni Now on to Rebels! via /r/StarWars
TIL that Ahsoka doesn’t actually have ears

12 years later, but better late than never I guess.All this time I assumed that her ears were hidden under her lekku or whatever. I just now learned that her montrals act as ears as well as echolocation whatchamacallits. via /r/StarWars
Am I the only one that LOVES the romance scenes between Anakin and Padme?

"From the moment I met you, all those years ago, not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you. And now that I'm with you again...I'm in agony. The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you—I can't breathe. I'm haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me. My heart is beating...hoping that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me...what can I do? I will do anything you ask. [pause] If you are suffering as much as I am, please, tell me."I know that it's Shakespearean and melodramatic, but that's kinda the point. Anakin has been pressured to conceal any emotions or attachment by the Jedi council throughout his entire life. The Jedi teachings are very repressive, but humans -- especially teenagers -- are very emotional people. So yeah, of course he'll be Shakespearean, stalkerish, and melodramatic. If you just met the love of your life and didn't know how to properly express your feelings, wouldn't you say some cringy stuff as well? Sometimes the conventional speaking patterns of mainstream cinema doesn't blend well with characterization. Shorter, less clunky quotes wouldn't make sense with Anakin's character, someone who genuinely doesn't know how to properly express his emotions. THIS is toxic romance done right...So yeah, to quote Anakin himself, "You're asking me to be rational. That is something I know I cannot do. "TL;DR: Yeah, the scenes are melodramatic and cringe. That's quite literally the point lmao. It wouldn't make sense in Anakin's characterization if the scenes were normal and polished. via /r/StarWars
Rosario Dawson is perfection. I wept tears of happiness.

Just wow. via /r/StarWars
My opinion: Every new episode of The Mandalorian just cements how weak and lazy the Sequel Trilogy turned out to be.

The look and production of the Sequel Trilogy are top-notch and beautiful, but the boring, rehashed tropes left me flat. The Mandalorian is immensely entertaining with its non-Skywalker, episodic stories and original character arcs. And thus far, the fan-service has helped to further the story, not solely to elbow the viewers with, “See that? That’s the person/reference/callback to a fan-favorite! Get it?”. via /r/StarWars
Mandalorian Ahsoka Tano cosplay makeup test just had to do a makeup test of how Ahsoka appears in the Mandalorian! I quickly threw together a scrap foam headband and some clothes I had in my closet (plus my Darth Revan belt buckle lmao). My lekku are from the clone wars series but I figured they are short enough to pass for the makeup test. :'D via /r/StarWars
The Mandalorian feels like the most unified depiction of the Star Wars universe

The Mandalorian feels like the first foray in Lucasfilm really trying to bring down the barriers between different eras and present Star Wars as a cohesive universe. Animated characters brought into live-action, characters from the PT existing alongside post-OT characters, flashbacks to the Clone Wars, showing the transition from the Empire to the First Order and the creation of Snoke, etc.It's the most unified version of Star Wars I think there's ever been, for lack of a better term. Which makes sense because that's probably where Lucasfilm and Disney would like to take the franchise longterm. No more separation of eras or audiences. Get everyone on the same page and consuming as much of the same content as possible.So if there's one big influence The Mandalorian has on future projects, I hope that's it. No more PT, OT or ST. Just Star Wars. via /r/StarWars
Does anybody else here love just about everything in Star Wars?

I definitely have my favorites and I absolutely think some movies are stronger than others but honestly I have a deep appreciation for all of it. I enjoy how things tie into each other in the universe and I think that each era of Star Wars and really each project in general has a different viewpoint on the universe.I recognize that it might be a bit unpopular to feel this way but I really enjoy every bit of Star Wars and I'm optimistic that after some TV series perhaps the sequels will age better than people think. Look at how the prequels are looked at now via /r/StarWars
“David Prowse is Darth Vader”. My signed action figure from 2003.

Upon hearing the news of David Prowse’s passing I thought I’d share a picture of my signed Darth Vader action figure. Mr. Prowse signed this for me during the Canadian National Science Fiction Convention in Toronto, 2003. At the time I had just finished undergrad and went with my childhood friend who introduced me to Star Wars when I was 11.Unfortunately I didn’t take great care of it and had also lost the certificate of authenticity. Hope it still brings some interest since I don’t think I’ve ever shared this before!, I do not know how to embed images into posts here!) via /r/StarWars
David Prowse, the original Darth Vader, dies aged 85 Prowse, MBE (born 1 July 1935) was an English former bodybuilder, weightlifter and actor, most widely known for his role as playing the physical form of Darth Vader, who was voiced by James Earl Jones. In Britain, he is also remembered as having played the Green Cross Code man. At peak, Prowse stood around 6' 5" or 6' 7" (200 cm) tall and weighed 19 stone (266 lbs/121 kilos). Prowse was a native of Bristol, where he attended Bristol Grammar School.edit: Adding more links. via /r/StarWars
Obviously Lars Mikkelsen should play the Live Action Thrawn. He’s done the voice, has a live action portfolio, and he looks the part

Why is there any discussion of “Fan Casting” when the perfect actor for the role is already available?Thrawn even resembles Lars, probably not a coincidence, and would be perfect for an aged Thrawn.This is most highly likely the case already since it’s the show runner from the animated series and Bo Kataan voice actor fit the live action role as well. via /r/StarWars
R.I.P. David Prowse

This is kind of a long story and not something I do often, but I really felt like sharing it, so I hope you guys don’t mind. TLDR; RIP David Prowse.To set the scene, my parents were huge nerds and I’ve literally always grown up with Star Wars in my life. I’ve been told stories about the first movie I saw in theaters was at 2 months old and it was a special showing of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.As long as I can remember, I’ve always loved Darth Vader. He was my hero growing up. When I was asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” My response was a Sith Lord like my hero Darth Vader. This may not have met me many kids, but it helped me find my closest friends.I always felt like I had a special bond with Vader. I have huge breathing issues, I don’t deal with failure very well, and I always was a teachers pet.When I was 4, I was diagnosed with childhood cancer. Stage IV Whilm’s Tumour which had spread to my lungs. I was immediately admitted to the hospital to start treatment but things, as they often do at stage 4 cancer, did not look good.I underwent several treatments and surgeries to remove the infect organs, and help slow and shrink the spread of the illness. Unfortunately, it had already spread to my lungs and my left lung kept collapsing.I have chest tubes drawing fluid from my lung and my breathing resembled that of Vader after he rescued Luke from the Emperor in The Last Jedi. I certainly felt more machine than boy in those days.I would lay there wanting to be active as kids often do and would wish I had a suit that could maintain my poor body, much like Vader. I could then be strong. Vader wasn’t scared of anything.Even in the harder days, I had the comfort of imagination to carry me off to my galaxy far far away where I wouldn’t be tied to a pump in the wall.Luckily, I did survive the cancer. I beat my odds and am a relatively healthy man almost 2 decades later. I’ve been lucky enough to give back to kids in similar situations by trooping with the amazing 501st, preforming for and reading to kids for Star Wars reads day, and being able to see the expression when you give a child a completely handmade lightsaber or prop from the universe we all love and adore.I am thankful for David Prowse performance and physical portrayal of Vader. The way he brought that character to the screen and was a symbol of power and strength helped a small scared boy many years ago overcome something that seemed so impossible to beat.R.I.P David Prowse. You will be remembered. via /r/StarWars
I was finding a space in the basement to hide Christmas gifts and look what I found via /r/StarWars
The moment I'm 100% convinced she's perfectly cast via /r/StarWars
Saturday, November 28, 2020
RIP Dave Prowse

Just heard the news on the radio that our very own Darth Vader has died after a short illness. You're on with with The Force now.Edit: BBC LinkRIP. via /r/StarWars
Anyone else ready for his dark saber battle via /r/StarWars
How I fantasize a meeting between Luke and Ahsoka would go via /r/StarWars
You may have seen this but i find this heartbreaking via /r/StarWars
This shot was amazing last night. via /r/StarWars
Am I the only one seeing the similarity between those cape clasps?... via /r/StarWars
Seems pretty sus to me via /r/StarWars
Star wars Stormtrooper lasering via /r/StarWars
Ashley Eckstein's new Instagram post via /r/StarWars
All the ornaments ready for the tree! via /r/StarWars
What is that thing? I keep it around for luck. Cosplay by kosh via /r/StarWars
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