I was watching Indiana Jones, Last Crusade the other day, and something clicked in my head which is relatable toward Solo.Something that has always been a talking point for people who don’t like Solo (I am not one of them) is that they covered almost every possible origin point for Han in the movie . How Han got his blaster, how he got the Falcon, how him and Chewie met, how/why he got his last name, etc.I couldn’t help but notice a correlation between that, and the opening sequence from Last Crusade.Young Indy stumbles upon the cross of Coronado, and adventure ensues. During this whole sequence, and it’s just the beginning of a longer movie mind you, we learn how Indiana also got most the origin points about his character. Why he’s afraid of snakes, how he learned to use a whip, how he got the scar, where he got the hat, and so on. We also learn later about the origin of his name.My point is, I wonder if this puts a different perspective toward this topic of contention with people who make this one (of the usually many) reasons you don’t like Solo. I’m not saying it’s a perfect movie, but I for one love it and never understood why people hunkered down into this topic as the reason for not liking it. I’d be curious to see if looking at this from a different perspective, now knowing it’s been done before as a plot device, and IMO a good one, makes people reconsider that this topic isn’t worth the fight. via /r/StarWars https://ift.tt/34IBzAd
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