Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Rise of Skywalker re-watch

I still have issues with the film, but I came to really appreciate more things that I missed the first time I saw it, that seem really powerful to me:- Daisy Ridley was perfectly cast, no one should ever fault her performance over the entire ST; while John Boyega and Oscar Issacs and Adam Driver are all fantastic, she really deserves a lot of credit for giving the trilogy a lot of heart and emotion. Just seeing her in that split second moment as Empress Palpatine in the Death Star ruins gave me chills.- Palpatine coming back could have been better if only there was even the slightest explanation of how he survived, other than the line regarding Sith actions that are 'unnatural'. I still have an issue with Exegol, primarily because it was just so dark..literally, in that it just felt too dark to see anything. Contrast that with Snoke's throne room in TLJ which is just gorgeous set/production design. Although, I love the Sith throne- The scene where Rey heals Ben and tells him she wanted to take his hand and then Ben seeing a vision of his father right after Rey leaves, both really great, emotional callbacks to TFA and TLJ.- I thought Threepio was the funniest he's been since Jedi; I could not tolerate him in the PT- The lighspeed skipping scene was nice, but I kinda wish they had visited more planets. Also, very confused by the second location which appears to be a floating city, but there was a mirror/double of the Falcon...what are we seeing? Is that reflection on water? I'm still confused about that...- The alien driver of the transport when they meet Lando on Passanna, with one throwaway line 'ok!', I thought was such a funny moment. I also liked the alien children watching the puppet show and laughing. A great little gem of a scene.- The giant injured slug that Rey healed, I really liked that, especially when the beast's vocalization changes slightly to indicate it was in pain.- Richard Grant is always fantastic, and he was perfectly cast here.It's not a fantastic film, but now I like it a little more.Anyone else feel differently after seeing the film again? via /r/StarWars

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