Sunday, February 16, 2020

Rank the Star Wars Films based on their openings

As the Title suggests, Rank your star wars films based on which you think have some of your favorite Openings to the films , meaning the first few events that happen early in the film.Here's mine​A New Hope (Iconic as hell with the whole Stardestroyer coming over the Screen)Revenge Of the Sith ( The Long take as the ships fly between the capital ships as Williams music swells?, yes please.)The Last Jedi (Poe's X wing shenanigans along with some great Camera POV is the good shit)The Phantom Menace (Close the Blast Doors!, the Aesthetic of the federation ship along with the introduction of the Battledroids is something I value alot lol)Empire Strikes Back. ( the whole Probe and Luke getting Wampad is pretty unique in the context of the OT, the scene does a nice job of setting up Han and Luke's relationship post ANH with out needless exposition)The Force Awakens (The Whole Stardestroyer blocking out the view of the planet and the transports flickering as we see the New stormtroopers for the first time)Return of the Jedi ( "The Emperor isn't as forgiving as I am" and some nice C3P0 and R2 stuff)Rogue One (The Introduction for Krennic is great but the editing kinda brings it down for me)Rise of Skywalker ( Kylo on Mustafar is fucken great but the pacing is like a drunk race car driver, there's hardly enough time to take it in)Solo (Kinda Bland with alot of Exposition dumps)Attack of the Clones (Kind of the same as Solo but the Directing and framework is static so it's a bit worse) via /r/StarWars

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