Thursday, February 20, 2020

Bullying someone for liking the sequels is NOT okay

It's embarrassing that this even has to be said. Not for me, but for all of you that do it. It's perfectly fine to dislike the sequels, but bullying someone for it is childish and straight up wrong. People are allowed to like something you don't and shouldn't be afraid to express that, least of all in dedicated Star Wars communities where they should be free to discuss their love for them. The bullying is rampant, I see it all the time with others and often experience it myself. Most of the time it's not even because people love the movies but because they simply don't hate them. And from what I can tell mods never do anything about it, it's disgraceful and we should all feel ashamed. Those that do it should be ashamed  for being such huge degenerates and the rest of us should be ashamed for letting these people bully others for simply liking something they don't.Fuck dude, the sequels ain't even my favourite trilogy. It's my least favourite out of the 3 for sure, but I don't hate it. I defend it much more than the other 2 trilogies though because the mass hate towards makes people think it's alright to treat others like garbage for liking some movies they don't. Literally just the other day I was speaking to someone that said people deserved to be insulted for liking the sequels, which is absolutely batshit insane!Again, you can hate the sequels all you want, but the mass bullying happening towards people that love or just don't hate the sequels is absolutely terrible and it needs to stop.People in 1980 said episode 5 ruined Star Wars. People in 1983 said episode 6 ruined Star Wars. People in 1999 and the 2000's said the prequels ruined Star Wars. And now in the 2010's people say the sequels have ruined the Star Wars. All of these people are wrong. What's really ruining Star Wars is the mass toxicity that has plagued the fanbase for generations now.I'm gonna get downvoted to hell and people will bully me in the comments for this, but this shit just needed to be said man. Y'all gotta chill out.And again, this only applies to people that bully others over something as stupid as a movie. Everyone else is golden, y'all are all kings and queens no matter what movies you like or dislike. via /r/StarWars

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