Thursday, September 12, 2019

I finally saw The Last Jedi

I have to say: I loved it. It makes complete sense to me that Luke would become disenfranchised by the truths of the Jedi order after buying into the legend himself and failing spectacularly. Luke's snark from his youth just gained an edge as he became jaded.I think some of the things people complained about got blown out a bit. The movie takes time to establish cross-galaxy links between Rey and Kylo that were set up without their knowledge. It makes sense to me that a Jedi master would be able to expand that if he exerted himself to make it happen. You even see that Rey and Kylo were able to feel each other's physical presence with water on the face and touching hands. I may have wanted to know more about Snoke, but it wouldn't have for in the story without exposition that would have felt clunky and I didn't really need to know who he was to understand his role in this story. You didn't really get to find out much about the emperor in return of the Jedi before his death because it wasn't necessary.So much happened that was a cool spectacle like the jump to destroy the fleet and there were little details that hint at more like Rey taking texts. I'll probably need to watch it again to be sure, but this is probably up in the top three of the Star wars movies for me. via /r/StarWars

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