Sunday, December 30, 2018

“Why don’t all the rebels just hyperspace ram all their enemies?”

This is something that I see and hear get brought up a lot when discussing TLJ, so after thinking about it for a while I figured I’d address it. I’ve had the general idea in my head for a while but never really knew how to put it to words until a moment ago, so I figured I’d write this.I’m sure the idea of using hyperspace to destroy ships has come up before in Star WarsWe even see it the Clone Wars TV show where they use it to destroy a Separatist flagshipA few ideas for hyperspace-based weapons and killing ships via hyperspace ramming also came up in Legends a few times but that’s not relevant to what I’m discussing.What I will try to cover is an in-universe explanation for why the Rebels/Resistance don’t just hyperspace ram everything they fight.The Rebels don’t have the resources to fight the Empire ship-for-ship, so they have to get creative with how they fight. If they tried to fight ship-for-ship with hyperspace ramming, well, they’d just simply run out of ships. Hell, even if they managed to kill ten ships at once with a single hyperspace ramming, it still wouldn’t be a good trade-off because the Empire can build it all back and then some.A big point behind the Empire/Rebellion conflict is that the Empire/FO has all the resources to build thousands upon thousands of capital ships, while the Rebels/Resistance have to scrounge up whatever they can.-The Empire has massive Super Star Destroyers the size of Manhattan and a full fleet of frontline capital ships over Endor, while the Rebels have a handful of Calamari ships, some smaller frigates, a bunch of blockade runners, transports, and starfighters, and a tricked-out freighter.-The Empire is deploying brand-new heavy walkers on Hoth while the Rebels have to scrounge up a bunch of faulty airspeeders and try to fight them with the tow cables because the main cannons can’t even pierce the armor.-The Empire has the resources to build giant battlestations with enough firepower to destroy planets while the Rebels went through hell just to find the plans, and only through massive strokes of luck were they able to destroy them.-The First Order has a giant armada while the Resistance only has one capital ship and a handful of smaller frigates.My point is, the Empire has all of the resources and the Rebels have almost nothing.They have to get creative with whatever they can get their hands on to fight an enemy with overwhelming military dominance, because they don’t have any other option.-That’s why they used a hammerhead corvette to ram a Star Destroyer into another one, and destroyed the space station with the wreckage.-It’s why the Rebels had such an insane plan that revolved around using an old Jedi who’s been in hiding somewhere out in the Outer Rim for 2 decades to shoot torpedoes perfectly straight down a narrow ventilation shaft that led for miles all the way to the Death Star reactor. And when the Jedi died, it’s why they gave a flight suit and the ignition keys to some farmboy they just met that day.-It’s why they used tow cables to fight the AT-ATs on Hoth-It’s why Han decided to go to Cloud City and trust some semi-legit gambler he hasn’t seen in years.-It’s why the Rebels relied on an old clearance code and a stolen Imperial shuttle to send a strike team to Endor.-It’s why Luke and co. trusted the Ewoks to help them on Endor.-It’s why Lando told Ackbar to send his fleet in to engage the vastly superior Imperial fleet, knowing it’s suicide, because “We’ll last longer than we will against that Death Star, and we might take a few of them with us”-It’s why that A-wing pilot rammed his starfighter into the bridge of that Super Star DestroyerAnd it’s why Holdo did the hyperspace ram. The First Order was closing in, there’s no way for her ship to fight back, and there’s no backup coming. The hyperspace ram is her last resort when she has nothing left and the First Order has everything.If she had her own 60km flagship and a whole boatload of Star Destroyers then she could probably engage them and fight ship-for-ship, but that would go against that major point I brought up earlier about how the Empire/FO has all the stuff and the Rebels/Resistance do not.TL;DR: The Rebels/Resistance don’t have the resources to trade lives with the Empire/First Order, so they can’t afford to just hyperspace ram everythingI appreciate your downvotes and I am glad to see that you’d rather do that than discuss anything.EDIT: Y’all I’m going to sleep it’s too late for any more of this. Please continue downvoting everything I say and repeating the same talking points other people already used.Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back for making that millionth “why doesn’t everyone use hyperspace as a weapon DAE space combat is broken” comment, that was a truly groundbreaking thing to say. via /r/StarWars

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