via /r/StarWars
Monday, December 31, 2018
Discovered the perfect ball drop for NYE! *Not timed perfecly but still works via /r/StarWars
Worst Star Wars film via /r/StarWars
I finally did it! Happy new year! via /r/StarWars
The count down begins! Timed so the death Star blows up at midnight! See you then east coast! via /r/StarWars
Episode IX is officially coming out this year! via /r/StarWars
'Rogue One' Series Spinoff to Begin Filming in October 2019 via /r/StarWars
Created a Star Wars propaganda Poster inspired by WWII (OP) via /r/StarWars
My jacket liner via /r/StarWars
TIL One of George Lucas's demands for the Darth Maul game was that Darth Maul and Darth Talon were friends. When told that Darth Talon was alive a century after Maul's death, he said "Make him a clone." via /r/StarWars
I drew Enfys Nest via /r/StarWars
The Force Awakens - VHS Cover Art via /r/StarWars
It occurred to me today that Luke and Rey both wield the murder weapon from a spree killer of children. via /r/StarWars
Stairwells make for a great sound studio when playing a Star Wars Classic via /r/StarWars
Ready to lead the frontal assault on Hoth via /r/StarWars
My VHS copy of Star Wars that I got around 1989/90 before the digitaly remastered release, before the special editions, before the dark times. via /r/StarWars
My parents found my original 90s Falcon and gave it to my infant son for Christmas! via /r/StarWars
(Part 4) With less than 1 year to go untill IX I decided to do the full canon marathon over the course of the next 12 months. Week 4 done. via /r/StarWars
Re-watching the series for new year ...came across this gem ❤ via /r/StarWars
You’ve always been strong Leia .. via /r/StarWars
My SO gave me the most wonderful Christmas Gift ever! 12 hours later... The Falcon is ready to explore the Galaxy! via /r/StarWars
I almost read it Sith Lord 😁 via /r/StarWars
Gonna watch the whole series throughout the night. Nice way to end this year,and begin the next via /r/StarWars
[Homemade] Gingerbread via /r/StarWars
I wonder if, when the Original Trilogy movies were released, the Sith were supposed to be like the Knights of Ren

That is, they were Jedi who pledged themselves to Palpatine when the Jedi Purge began, and Palpatine himself wasn't considered to be a "Sith". via /r/StarWars
There should be a book, movie, or game about the battle of Geonosis.

I was playing Battlefront 2 today and I realized how much I LOVE the Geonosis map and I thought how cool it would be to see it in a film or book or game I think it would be amazing to see the struggle of the clones and the mass war.Edit: yes I know it's in Attack of the clones I just mean film with clones as the main focus via /r/StarWars
Sunday, December 30, 2018
“Why don’t all the rebels just hyperspace ram all their enemies?”

This is something that I see and hear get brought up a lot when discussing TLJ, so after thinking about it for a while I figured I’d address it. I’ve had the general idea in my head for a while but never really knew how to put it to words until a moment ago, so I figured I’d write this.I’m sure the idea of using hyperspace to destroy ships has come up before in Star WarsWe even see it the Clone Wars TV show where they use it to destroy a Separatist flagshipA few ideas for hyperspace-based weapons and killing ships via hyperspace ramming also came up in Legends a few times but that’s not relevant to what I’m discussing.What I will try to cover is an in-universe explanation for why the Rebels/Resistance don’t just hyperspace ram everything they fight.The Rebels don’t have the resources to fight the Empire ship-for-ship, so they have to get creative with how they fight. If they tried to fight ship-for-ship with hyperspace ramming, well, they’d just simply run out of ships. Hell, even if they managed to kill ten ships at once with a single hyperspace ramming, it still wouldn’t be a good trade-off because the Empire can build it all back and then some.A big point behind the Empire/Rebellion conflict is that the Empire/FO has all the resources to build thousands upon thousands of capital ships, while the Rebels/Resistance have to scrounge up whatever they can.-The Empire has massive Super Star Destroyers the size of Manhattan and a full fleet of frontline capital ships over Endor, while the Rebels have a handful of Calamari ships, some smaller frigates, a bunch of blockade runners, transports, and starfighters, and a tricked-out freighter.-The Empire is deploying brand-new heavy walkers on Hoth while the Rebels have to scrounge up a bunch of faulty airspeeders and try to fight them with the tow cables because the main cannons can’t even pierce the armor.-The Empire has the resources to build giant battlestations with enough firepower to destroy planets while the Rebels went through hell just to find the plans, and only through massive strokes of luck were they able to destroy them.-The First Order has a giant armada while the Resistance only has one capital ship and a handful of smaller frigates.My point is, the Empire has all of the resources and the Rebels have almost nothing.They have to get creative with whatever they can get their hands on to fight an enemy with overwhelming military dominance, because they don’t have any other option.-That’s why they used a hammerhead corvette to ram a Star Destroyer into another one, and destroyed the space station with the wreckage.-It’s why the Rebels had such an insane plan that revolved around using an old Jedi who’s been in hiding somewhere out in the Outer Rim for 2 decades to shoot torpedoes perfectly straight down a narrow ventilation shaft that led for miles all the way to the Death Star reactor. And when the Jedi died, it’s why they gave a flight suit and the ignition keys to some farmboy they just met that day.-It’s why they used tow cables to fight the AT-ATs on Hoth-It’s why Han decided to go to Cloud City and trust some semi-legit gambler he hasn’t seen in years.-It’s why the Rebels relied on an old clearance code and a stolen Imperial shuttle to send a strike team to Endor.-It’s why Luke and co. trusted the Ewoks to help them on Endor.-It’s why Lando told Ackbar to send his fleet in to engage the vastly superior Imperial fleet, knowing it’s suicide, because “We’ll last longer than we will against that Death Star, and we might take a few of them with us”-It’s why that A-wing pilot rammed his starfighter into the bridge of that Super Star DestroyerAnd it’s why Holdo did the hyperspace ram. The First Order was closing in, there’s no way for her ship to fight back, and there’s no backup coming. The hyperspace ram is her last resort when she has nothing left and the First Order has everything.If she had her own 60km flagship and a whole boatload of Star Destroyers then she could probably engage them and fight ship-for-ship, but that would go against that major point I brought up earlier about how the Empire/FO has all the stuff and the Rebels/Resistance do not.TL;DR: The Rebels/Resistance don’t have the resources to trade lives with the Empire/First Order, so they can’t afford to just hyperspace ram everythingI appreciate your downvotes and I am glad to see that you’d rather do that than discuss anything.EDIT: Y’all I’m going to sleep it’s too late for any more of this. Please continue downvoting everything I say and repeating the same talking points other people already used.Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back for making that millionth “why doesn’t everyone use hyperspace as a weapon DAE space combat is broken” comment, that was a truly groundbreaking thing to say. via /r/StarWars
Since it's the festive season, I thought I'd give the Star Wars Holiday Special a try

What the fuck did I just watch? via /r/StarWars
With Jango no longer being mando a slight irony has been taken away from the Clone Wars

First to get it out of the way yes he was never a Mandalorian in George Lucas's eyes but he was the eyes of all the other writers and fans for the longest time. Making the Clone Army a Mandalorian Army to manyWhich was a huge irony because for thousands of years the mandalorians had fought with the Jedi either by their self or allied with the Sith.And then out of nowhere there is this Army of Mandalorian clones that are fighting side-by-side with the Jedi to defend the Republic. A army that even had similar armor to that of their historic enemies and was based upon the armor of the mandalorians.a army that the Jedi begin to trust and respect only to be betrayed by and ending with the order being once again destroyed by another Mandalorian knowing what we know of Mandalorian and Jedi history there was a bit of irony at them using a army of Mando clones.With Jango no longer being a Mandalorian and thus the GAR no longer being a Mandalorian bred army it kind of losses some of that dramatic irony.I don't really think it's a good or bad thing it was just something I thought about today while reading. via /r/StarWars
Why couldn't the Sequels deliver a new conflict a la the Clone Wars?

The conflict drawn up in the PT between Republic and seperatist forces, clones vs droids, Jedi as generals, and the Sith as puppetmasters was an entirely new one. Sure we knew the term Clone Wars since 1977 but nobody knew what they were about. Lucas delivered in creating a brand new conflict different from the OT and had unique dynamics, vehicles, battles and soldiers.Why couldn't the ST do something new when it came to the "war" aspect? Why did it have to be a repeat of the Rebels vs Empire both in aesthetics as well as story? Why not rebuilt Republic vs small but dangerous terrorist insurgency? Why not some unique new soldier types like the clones were? Or a significant new threat or weapon. Why couldn't they, in particular J.J. Abrahams, simply invent a new chapter in Star Wars history? Why does it seem like filmmakers have resigned to thinking Star Wars has already been defined and no new elements can be added to it , just remixing?There's such a vast pool of pulp B movies/comics/serials, where inspiration can be drawn from like Lucas did, and tweak it a bit to fit into Star Wars. Clones are a completely B movie idea too but it worked. via /r/StarWars
Would Episode 9 be better if the resistance and their allies was more evenly matched against the First Order?

I personally don't like the fact that the resistance during TFA was smaller then the OT era rebellion.Aside from the prequels a lot of stuff in star wars is big powerful dominant force vs small group of rebels.I think it would be more fun if we saw the resistance take on the FO on another level. I'm not expecting things to be exactly even, but I like the idea that for instance the resistance has a sizable fleet of capital ships and that we don't just get another "two dozen x wings versus 30 huge capital ships" type of battle.Would Episode 9 be better if the resistance was larger? What do you think? via /r/StarWars
Not hyped anymore

So. I am burnt out on Star Wars. And it isn't due to Disney, or Kathleen Kennedy. Its the fans. The fans have burnt me out from all the hate. Im not excited for anything because I know its going to be shit on. I dont like discussing Star Wars anymore because I do enjoy TFA, TLJ, but I know that any discussion will bring out the toxic people. I am unsure how to go on with Star Wars now. via /r/StarWars
Start The Last Jedi at 10:08:07 PM on 12/31 to have the Holdo Maneuver Impact at Midnight, start at 10:07:58 to have the sound come back at Midnight via /r/StarWars
It's general Grievous!!! via /r/StarWars
If this isn’t in the next movie I’m gonna be sad via /r/StarWars
I drew a clone trooper (Phase 2) via /r/StarWars
Calculating the odds via /r/StarWars
Girlfriend hand drew and framed this for my Christmas present! via /r/StarWars
Saturday, December 29, 2018
My argument to anyone on why Star Wars episodes I-VIII should be re-re-rereleased in the theater early next December so we can watch them again in their big screen glory,,,, via /r/StarWars
I was wrong on Solo. It’s the best Star Wars movie since ROTJ.

Just watched it for the second time with my family. Was not really into it the first time. The second time was so much better. It felt like a new movie to me. It’s a shame it bombed at the box office. I wouldn’t mind another one. Hopefully Disney can bring some stability to Lucasfilm. Ron Howard did a tremendous job considering the circumstances. via /r/StarWars
My new tattoo! via /r/StarWars
When someone asks me “what is it like to enjoy all the Star Wars films?” via /r/StarWars
Finally done after 5 days! One of my favorite ships from the prequels via /r/StarWars
Sighted in Portland, OR- Rebel Unimog. The wife had to keep me physically restrained while passing in our truck or I would have left her and tried to date this gorgeous rig. via /r/StarWars
fish tank needed some flair via /r/StarWars
Father Daughter Dances Can Be Awkward... by Mike Heath via /r/StarWars
I'll say it ill say it a again give us a grievous movie but make it like a slasher via /r/StarWars
My first tattoo! Representing my city and the Jedi Order. via /r/StarWars
I recreated a certain Star Wars scene in Smash Bros! via /r/StarWars
Found this beauty at my Grandparent’s house. Many good time were had with this game. via /r/StarWars
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