Monday, April 16, 2018

Anyone else find the size of the Resistance in the Sequel Trilogy ridiculously small?

I know Lucasfilm has a hard-on for the "heroic underdogs vs the huge evil villain" trope but come on. The Resistance only having like 200 people (and then like 12 people by the end of TLJ) is just ridiculous.These movies take place in a galaxy with THOUSANDS of inhabited planets. Trillions of citizens. You mean to tell me that out of the entire galaxy, only 200 people were willing to fight the First Order? The Empire was only defeated 30 years ago, the memory of living under Imperial rule should still be fresh in the minds of the ENTIRE galaxy. I just find it so silly that the only faction fighting against the First Order is so minuscule in size, in a galaxy so big.EDIT: I understand that Star Wars is about more than just spaceships going boom and people blasting eachother with lasers, but I'm really missing the HUGE battles and scale that the Prequel Trilogy had. via /r/StarWars

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