Wednesday, December 20, 2017

I think we did find out who Snoke is, he “rhymes” with Rey...

So a lot of people are disappointed that we got no backstory for Snoke, and I share that sentiment! However, I think we did get some information about him based on what he said to Rey.One of the themes of the film was balance, and how “the force” as an entity is neither good or bad, it doesn’t value the light over the dark, both are important aspects of the universe (life leads to death leads to new life)So as Snoke said, the dark rises and the light to meet it. As Ben Solo became more powerful the force chose someone to balance his power in Rey, causing the awakening of the light side in her. This gave her the huge light side power levels in a very short period of time which we saw in TFA.Now, if that is how the force works (now) then this must have happened previously. The Jedi had been using the light side for a long time, but always considered the dark side “cheating” and an easy route to huge power. This is presumably because there were a lot of light side users, and only ever two sith, so the balance equation needs two very powerful dark side users to balance out the relatively underpowered jedi.Anakin bought balance to the force by wiping out both sides, sith and jedi, leaving behind Luke Skywalker, a very powerful force user who had skirted the edges between dark and light. In the short time he had been using the force he had absolutely tapped in to his anger and wish for revenge, as well as his compassion and calm, in order to accomplish his goals. Had he remained that way, things would have been ok.However, he attempted to resurrect the Jedi. He began training a new generation of light side force users and no doubt he rejected his dark tendencies and became a powerful paragon of the light. This huge power surge on the light has to be balanced, and so the dark rose to meet it.So, just like Rey, the force chose a nobody, an ambitious hateful man who was already full of dark feelings and wishes for revenge and power (god knows there are plenty of people like that around) and there was an awakening. Snoke. He has no backstory because it is just as irrelevant as Rey’s, he was nobody until the force chose him.And then, being a nobody, he had no grand plans, no amazing genius to implement order on the galaxy, he was just a random asshole who suddenly was one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy... so he did what people like that do, and copied what the last guy did before him, just imitating Palpatine and the Empire (badly) to end up where he is when we meet him. He even copied to the extent of finding a young Skywalker to corrupt and train as an apprentice. Not because he wanted or needed that particularly, just because that’s what Palpatine had done before.He’s a nobody with incredible abilities, the force chose him as a receptacle of dark side power and he had no idea what to do with it.Just as it’s ok that Rey came from nothing, exactly the same is true for Snoke. He was just an idiot with a big gun. via /r/StarWars

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