Monday, October 2, 2017

Jyn Erso is largely superfluous to the plot of Rogue One

None of the character motivations or plot outcomes actually seem to change by having Jyn Erso in the story.For starters, Gailen Erso was shit-scared of the Death Star already, he had to hide with his wife and daughter when he decided to stop working on the Death Star but Jyn having been born probably wouldn't have changed his decision to leave. After all, he wasn't necessarily scared that the Death Star would blow Jyn up. Moreover, he already knew Saw Guerrera, chances are he would still have sent a message about the weak spot in the Death Star and because Cassian was going to find him anyway, the message would have been relayed.Jyn also didn't have any meaningful impact on Cassian's survival either. We've seen in the film that Cassian is perfectly capable of surviving in Imperial territory in the opening. He also talks about having been involved in the rebellion since the age of six. His plan to enter Jedha did not centre around Jyn and would have succeeded without her.The assassination attempt on Gailen Erso would likely have succeeded without a hitch too, meaning this would be an advantage of not having her in the story.Jyn also does not affect the dynamics between the Death Star crew members like Krennic and Tarkin.The finale doesn't require Jyn either. Cassian survived when he was shot by Krennic, so even with a slight delay, he still would have eventually succeeded with relaying the Death Star plans.Make the argument all you like that this is "Jyn's story", so she cannot be that superfluous, however, the thing is that she has almost no meaningful impact on the film's events. If anything, she was a burden on the entire squad. via /r/StarWars

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